Chapter Eleven:The Funeral

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The Funeral was going to start at 10:30. Everyone invited had arrived.

*Hanna's POV*


My mum and I had gotten to the funeral. Since the girls and I were close friends of Ali we had to sit a the special row along with her other family members.

Throughout the ceremony speeches were made, tears were shed and sobs were heard. I couldn't imagine what Ali's parents were going through. It was nearly time for our speeches. Meaning the girls and I were going to go up and speek to the people here today. Ali's mum was going up before us. She got up and walked towards the podium.

''Ali. My dear, beloved daughter. We have gathered here today to give you a farewell. I'm sure none of us here were expecting what had happened to happen. It was a terrible tragic indeed. I hope the person who did this terrible crime feels guilty and suffers. I just can't believe you are out of our lives forever. I love you so much''.

She took a pause to redeem herself.

''And I know that you are watching over us. Rest in peace.''

Mrs DeLaurentis' speech broke my heart. Ali was out of our lives forever.

*Spencer's POV*


It was time for our speech. The girls and I walked up to the podium.

Emily: "Hello Everyone. Ali was a friend of ours."

Hanna: "In fact she was the one that brought us all together."

Aria: "She was a big part of our hearts and still is."

Spencer: "She was always there for us."

Emily: ''Even though, we know she's not here physically with us. We know she is here in our hearts."

Hanna: "And we love and miss her."

Aria: "We'll always remember her."

Spencer: ''Forever."

We walked back to our seats. The ceremony continued and at 11:15 it was finished. It was now time to go outside to where her coffin was buried. All her family and close friends were going to put something special into her coffin.

*Aria's POV*


Although I wasn't happy about going to my friend's funeral, at least it took my mind off of Merideth. Uggh, the amount of dislike I have for that woman!

It was now time to put something special into Ali's grave. I was putting a friendship necklace that Ali had gotten me. Emily was putting in a wristband with her name on it which Ali had given all of us. Spencer was putting in a picture of her and Ali. And Hanna was putting in a Macy's giftcard. Yeah I know. That girl is obssesed with shopping..

One by one, we all put in our special things. Then the coffin was closed and buried completely into the ground.

The ceremony was now finished. ''Goodbye Ali'',I whispered.


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