Chapter Seventeen:No way..

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Happy reading xx I posted chapter 16 and you guys voted and I appreciate that so here's another update x thank u.

*Caleb's POV*

"Caleb please?,"Hanna begged me. "No way. I'm not going to do it Hanna. And that's final," I stood my ground.

"Look I hate it as much as you do. Do you think I WANT my best friend to kiss my boyfriend? No! But I need you to do it please."

"Please?,"she asked with a cracked voice that sounded like she was going to burst into tears.

"Fine! I can't believe you're making me do this. You know how much I dislike Mona" I told her.

"Yay!!," she squealed as she gave me a tight hug.

"Mwuah!," she said as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

Hanna had told me about the plan which I totally hated. She told me about how someone's been threatening Mona. I mean, I know her and Mona are best friends but I seriously don't care about her. She's so devious. Just something about Mona seems off..

"Okay so can we stop talking about Mona and talk about next week's fashion show! Ahhh!," Hanna squealed. Our school was having a fashion which students would participate in. The money raised would be giving to charity.

"Ugh.. Hanna please not now," I groaned. Being the person she is, she completely ignored me and started rambling about how she and I would be going shopping next week.

"Hold up!," I stopped her, "I don't need to shop because I'm not going to be modelling. Never, not in a million years."

"Fine since I'm already making you do the Mona thing I won't force you to model on the runway but your following me shopping to tell me what you think about the outfits I try on."

"Fair enough..." I sighed.

*Spencer's POV*

"Hey Melissa," I greeted my sister.

"Hey Spence!," she chirped back.

"So you're going to work tonight.. Right?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised. I already knew the answer.

"Yup. Why are you asking?"

"Just wondering...," I replied vaguely. So far the plan was going in the right direction.

"What time do you finish work?" "I was thinking we could have some sister time after you come back," I said.

"Oh not until about 10 but you have school tomorrow so maybe we could change it to a Friday or Saturday?," she replied.

"That's fine with me." "Honestly..," I said to her with a fake smile on my face.


"So have you heard from -A lately?," Toby asked me, leaning his elbows onto the table.

"No. Not ever since The Motel thing," I told him with a smile.
I hated lying to Toby but I couldn't tell him what was going on. It would only out him in danger and I don't want him to be worrying about it. "But if I do, I'll make sure to let you know."

"That's good to hear," he gave me a wide smile which made me feel a bit guilty but I was only looking out for him. Beep!

"One sec," I told Toby when I headed my phone beep which meant I had received a text. Toby had a worried look on his face, probably thinking it was -A. And he was right.

Received 06:14pm From Unknown
Good choice on deciding not to tell Toby about me. If you did, it would have been a BIG mistake! And you would've regretted it, very deeply.

No hard feelings, love -A

"Is it -A?," Toby questioned me, still having a worried expression on his face.

"Uh.. No. It was my mum. I have to go but I'll text you later." I could have stayed but I thought I should check on Hanna and talk more about the plan. And if I stayed and chatted with him, he probably would have ended up asking me what I was doing tonight and I would be forced to lie again.

"Ok. Bye babe," he leaned in and gave me a quick peck on my nose which made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

*Hanna's POV*

It was around 9:56pm and I was in the car with Emily, Spencer and Aria. We were parked a few metres away from Melissa's workplace. But we could still see clearly. I was crouched down and my forehead was leaned against the window.

"You know staring out the window won't make the time go faster?," Spencer said to me. "Yeah well I can't wait any longer. I just wanna freakin' know if Melissa is -A or not," I retorted as faced her.

"Well then you better turn to face the window," Aria informed me.

"Oh here she is! Lemme text Mona and Caleb to get ready," I said.

Sent 10:02pm To Mona<3

Melissa's making her way out! Start the plan NOW!

*Caleb's POV*

"Melissa coming!," Mona told me. She took out some Chapstick from her purse and applied it quickly, she then took of her seatbelt. I did the same so it would be easier for us to lean in.

"Ok here goes nothing," I sighed. I waited for 2 seconds for Melissa to walk near the car and when she did Mona smacked her lips onto mine. I peeped my opens and saw the Melissa had seen us then I quickly closed my eyes back again.

"See, was that so hard Caleb?"

I was about to answer but I was interrupted by a beeping noise. Mona took our her phone from her pocket and read out
"Kissing your best friend's boyfriend.. Some friend you are -A x"

Mona and I got out of the car rushed towards the other girls who's cars were parked across the street.

*Spencer's POV*

I see Mona and Caleb running towards us and I wind down the windows.

"Well? Did you get a text?," Hanna asked anxiously.

"Melissa's -A. Spencer your sister is -A!."

"No way.."


Whoop whoop! A long chapter for u guys!! I think.. I've been writing on my iPad lately so I don't know.. But I think it is!!

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Next Chapter is going to be called 'Shopping and Snakes'

Sounds interesting right? Xx bye

How about 8 votes?

Next update will be around next Monday :D

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