Chapter Seven:Date Nights Part 1

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This is mostly a filler chapter because nothing very important happens in it. but still I Hope you like it ❤ :)



*Emily's POV*~~


"NOOO!! Leave me alone Aria!",Hanna shouted as she ran across the room. Aria insisted to make it up to Hanna by setting him up with that guy Caleb from school. "Hanna just say yes and shut up! Please! I'm trying to study", Spencer said gesturing to her book. "Hanna you can't say no, cuz I already told him you said yes!",Aria said. "Fine but its not a date! Ok?! I'm a only meeting him there as a friend.'', Hanna said giving up. "Yay! well gotta go. Tell me how it works out tomorrow!",Aria waved goodbye. After she left, Hanna started talking. "Uggh what a bitch. She thinks she can set me up with a guy and everything will be alright?!". "Hanna, she said she was sorry!", I said. "Well, that's not enough! She has another thing coming her way!",and with that Hanna walked out leaving me and Spencer at my house.

Received 27 May 2013 From Blocked Number


Oooohh! Drama with girls! My favourite... This is gonna get interesting...

Oh well G2g bye! -A

Yep -A was right. Things WERE gonna get interesting....

The next day I had science class. Oddly, I decided to sit beside Toby. Yep, Toby Kavanagh. I just felt bad that he was in his own. "Hey", I whispered to him. He didn't answer. "What you been up to?",I asked. He still didn't answer so I chose to talk to him after class. The class was finally finished and just as I was about to say something to Toby, he quickly started to pack his science books and bag. While rushing he tripped on my bag and his books fell down with some papers and a mistake CD falling out. "Here, lemme help you.",I reached down to help him with his book. I saw the title of his CD. It read "Tears Of Blood" (wizards or waverly place reference lol). "I love TOB". He gave me a smile. "Really, I could make you a mix tape if you want?",he asked kindly. I nodded. "Do you wanna hang out at the grill after school? We could do our homework there and order some fries or something?",I asked him. "Sure, I'd like that he replied. So it was agreed. We'd go to the grill after school...


*Toby's POV* (short)

After school I went to the grill. Emily said she'd meet me there. After about 5 minutes, she got here. "Sorry for being late, I had to grab a few things from my locker",she apologised. "It's fine",I said.

We were there for about 1 and a half hour. We helped each other with some questions we found hard, listened to music, talked and had burgers with a side of fries and orange soda. "I had fun today", Emily said. "Me too." She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I knew we were just friends but I couldn't help but blush. I gave her a smile and we went our separate ways. I really enjoyed myself.


*Caleb's POV*

I was ready for my date or friendly dinner with Hanna. I wasn't sure. I wore a pair of jeans, a checkered shirt, a beanie and some high tops. I was at the restaurant already waiting for Hanna. I'm sure she was one of those fashionable late girl.. Ugh! I can't stand them.

After around 5 minutes I decided to stand up and leave but then she came in. She was wearing a floral dress with some heels and a heart shaped purse. "Hi, sorry I'm late.",she apologised. I gave her a smile and a nod as if to say no problem. We scanned the menu for a bit and then the waitress came over. "Em.. Can I have lasagne and chicken? Please.",I ordered. "I'll have some fried rice mixed with vegetables. Thanks.",she said. What we ordered was expensive for me but Aria gave me the money to pay for it. She said something about owing it to Hanna. After 5 to 6 minutes, our food came and we started eating.

"So what do you like to do?",Hanna asked even though I knew she didn't really care. "I like to listen to music..",I replied "what about you?". "I like to shop-Actually correction, I LOVE to shop",she squealed. Sigh. This was gonna be a long night.

It actually wasn't that bad. She's a really funny and sweet girl. But she probably wouldn't go for a guy like me. "Do you wanna exchange numbers?",she asked shyly. Wow maybe she would go for a guy like me. Nah she's probably just trying to be nice. Either way I gave her my number and she gave me hers. And that's how my night went.

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