Chapter Sixteen:What?

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Here it is guys!! And I'm gonna write Mona's POV which you don't get much of. But b4 dat...

Thank you so much for over 5,000 reads!! When I decided to write this story I wasn't expecting this much so thank you!! And also 115 votes!! Ahahah! I'm totally freaking out. Woohoo! Thanks ppl x

Love ya!



I walked up the steps to Hanna's porch and pressed the door bell. I'm guessing by the look on Hanna's face she wasn't expecting me. "Erm.. Hi Emily. About that phone call I-"

"I heard Aria and Spencer in the background. No need to make up another lie," I said simply. "I need to talk to the 3 of you.."

Hanna gladly let me in and me and the rest of the girls sat on her bedroom floor in a circle. "I've been hiding something from the 3 of you for a long time. About 2 years now..," I began slowly.

"Go on.." Aria said curiously.

"And that thing is......"

*Emily's POV*

"I'm gay." "As in I'm a lesbian."

I watched the other girls' expressions. Saying they were shocked would be an understatement. Aria went completely pale, Hanna covered her mouth with her hand and Spencer was staring at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Say something.. Please?,"I asked.

"Wow is all I can say. Why would you hide that from us? Did you seriously think we would judge you?", Aria asked with a hint of hurt in her eyes. Which was making me feel guiltier than ever.

"Emily we love you for who you are and we always will," Hanna told me.

"I love you guys so much," I told them honestly.

"We love you too," Spencer said. And we all went in for a group hug.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Received 8:47pm From Blocked Number

And they live happily ever after.. NOT!

Ttyl -A

"-A just doesn't want to give up, do they?," Hanna sighed.

*Mona's POV*
(The Next Day)

"Hey, what's up Mona?," Hanna greeted me.

"I've been better..," I said.

"What's wrong?"she asked as she took a seat in front of me. We were at the grill. I had called her here so we called talk in private.

"Recently I've been getting texts and messages from a person called -A," I told her.

"And?,"Hanna said as if she was confused.

"We'll they've been threatening to reveal my secrets and stuff like that" I explained to her.

"Wow that's crazy.."

"Yeah it is. What about you? Have you been getting these weird messages?"

"No. Not so far,"she replied.

"Well anyways, I'm sick and tired of this -A person and I wanna find out who it is and I need your help. Are you in?"

"Sure why not," Hanna said and leaned in waiting for me to tell her the plan.

*Aria's POV*

"Are you stupid?!," I shouted at Hanna.

"You told her about -A!" Spencer shouted aswell.

"No. It was the other way around and relax. I didn't say that we get messages from -A." "Plus this could help us find out who -A is without actually telling anyone about it."

"Well who does she think -A is?" Emily questioned.


Melissa, my sister?," Spencer asked just to be sure.

Hanna nodded.

"Well what's the plan?" I asked eagerly.

Hanna explained the plan to us which I was surprised about since Caleb was involved.

We would all drive to Melissa's workplace and hide while Caleb and Mona would also be there but in a spot where they would be noticeable. Then when Melissa was finished work and came out of the building, she'd find Caleb and Mona making out. And if Mona received a text about it saying something about it, then it'd mean Melissa was -A.

"Are you okay with Caleb and Mona kissing?," I asked Hanna.

"As long as we find out who -A is, it'll be worth it," Hanna said.


Sorry for the short chapters I've been writing lately.. I apologise :( x but next week chapter and the one after is gonna be long and I think you'll like it ♥

But anyways
What's up paaaartyy ppl!! So yeah hope u liked it and in the next chapter we'll find out who -A is... Or will we?

5 or more votes for the next chapter x

Also after this story I'm going to begin another story so yeah xx

VCF xx

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