Chapter Nine:Surprise Surprise!

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*Ella's POV*(Aria's Mum) 


I was so excited for today. I actually kept it a secret for so long.

Of course Aria and Mikey were suspicious but I still didn't tell them.

"Guys are you ready?",I shouted. They both came down the stairs and we walked to my car. They had no idea what was going to happen.

I drove for about 10-12 minutes until we finally got to their school.

They stepped out of the as did I. "Eem.. Mum, what's going on?",Mikey asked confused. "Yeah,you're not meant to get down",Aria added in. "Oh I just have to talk to your principle",I said casually. Their eyes grew wide. "Don't worry it's not anything bad", I assured them. They gave me a relieved smile and we walked into the school.

When we walked into the school we all went our separate ways. I turned and headed to the principal's office. This was going to be a HUGE shocker for them. Hopefully a good one. I would hate for them to not like this.

*Aria's POV* 


It was time for my fourth subject. English. Eeep! I walked into the classroom. The other students were already there. Spencer,Hanna,Emily,Noel,Mona and the other background people. No offence.

Anyways I took a seat beside Spencer. Ezra wasn't here yet. He's usually early. Maybe he's just running late and there was still 2 minutes left. Me and Spencer talked for a while.

Then the teacher came in. It was a woman. I could've have sworn she was wearing the exact same outfit as my mum was, this morning. Then she turned around. "Hello class. Mr Fitz is sick so I'll be your substitute."

She wrote her name on the blackboard. It read "Miss Montgomery". No way! My mum is my ENGLISH TEACHER?!?! Uggh. Well at least it's just for a day.

--After class--

Everyone had walked out of the room. Except for Spencer,Emily and I. Hanna had went off with Mona. "Mum!",I shouted. She gave me a huge smile. "Surprise!",she grinned. "If I had known you were going to teach, I would've have skipped class!-No offence", I stated. "Well, I thought you would have liked for me to be here. Oh and just to disappoint you even more, I'm not just a substitute. That's right! I've got a job here as a maths teacher.",she said sadly. "Mum, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all.",I said assuring her. She gave me a hug and said goodbyes to Spencer, Emily and I. 

As soon as she left, the girls started laughing. "Oh.. Gosh.. Too hilarious!", Emily said between laughs. I just rolled my eyes at them and walked out.

*Hanna's POV* 


"I'm sorry!",I pleaded. "This is the THIRD time!!", Mona shouted. "I know but it's really important, I promise I won't ditch you next time",I told Mona. "Fine! Go off with your loverboy",and with that she stomped off.

Caleb and I were hanging out. I know I seem like a bad friend but I didn't PLAN to ditch her! It just happened last minute.

As I was saying, Caleb and I were hanging out. Well actually we were "hanging out" if you know what I mean ;). Don't worry it's just kissing.. For now! Lol.  

So anyways Mona was pissed cause I couldn't go for mani pedis with her. Sometimes that girl needs to realise that my life doesn't revolve around her. Sigh.  

As soon as Caleb rang the doorbell I got a text.

Received 30 June 13:08pm From Unknown 


Aww! I feel for Mona. Nowadays you've been ditching her. I think you need to learn your lesson.  

G2g -A ;)

Uggh could -A just leave me alone!

*Aria's POV* 


I was on my way to science class. I was happy because Hanna and Emily were in that class also. I walked pass a woman with long blonde wavy hair and green eyes. I stopped in my tracks and took a double take. No. It couldn't be. But it was...


Ali and Aria were walking while eating ice cream. 

Ali:uggh look at the freak Mona! Lets run away from her (in the past Mona was a geek but now she's popular and all fashionable) 

Aria and Ali ran behind a bush. They spotted Aria's dad's car. There was a woman with long wavy blonde hair and green eyes. Her and Aria's Dad were making out as if they were teens. Aria was speechless. Her dad was cheating in her mum.  

Ali:What are you going to do? 

Aria:I dunno 

Ali:You have to tell her Aria! 


Ali:If you don't, I will.

*Normal time*

"Hello,Aria",the woman said. "H-hi",Aria stuttered backed. The woman recognised her and Aria recognised the woman. "I'm Meridith",she said "Meridith Sorenson". Aria smiled weakly and started speed walking away. "Don't tell me she's got a job here as well..",Aria whispered to herself.


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