Chapter Four:What Happens When You Make A Deal With The Devil

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Heya hope you like it :D x Esther ❤ 




*Hanna's POV*

I had gotten a text from Spencer saying SOS! So I got to her house as fast as I could. I pressed the doorbell. After 3 seconds, Spencer opened the door and grabbed my hand upstairs. She dragged me to her room where Emily was already there and she locked the door. "What's going on?",I asked. "We know who -A is",Emily said. "What?! No way! Who is it?". "Aria",they both said at the same time as if they had planned it. "What?" "Show her the text". Spencer took out her phone and showed me the text. "We both go this text after saying we wish you and Aria were here to help us figure out who -A was", Spencer explained. I was so shocked. I know her name stars with -A but like... Seriously? Wow. "So are we going to tell her, we know she's evil?!", I shouted. "Do you guys really Aria is capable of something like that?",Emily asked. "I don't know. Lets not say anything yet. We need more proof", Spencer suggested. Emily and I nodded our heads. "I gotta. I'll see you at school tomorrow.",I waved back at them.

When I got back home,there was a police car outside my house. I opened my door to be greeted by Detective Wilden and my mum looking at me with very serious expressions. "Eh.. Hi mum. Hi Detective Wilden." "Hi Hanna. There was an case file against you for shoplifting. An anonymous handed us an envelope with this picture in it." It was a picture of me sneaking the Ray Ban sunglasses into my purse." "Well, what do you have to say for yourself Hanna?!",my mum said. "There's such thing as photo shop?..",I replied. "The picture look pretty real to me. Or is there someone out there that would want you to get into trouble?" I thought about this. If I said yes, I could free myself. But then not only my secrets would get out, the girls secrets too. "No sir. There isn't.",I mumbled. "Well in that case...", he took out his handcuffs. And I was arrested and taken to the police station.

When we got there, he took off my handcuffs and I had to sit outside his office. My mum said I should leave all the talking to her so she went in his office trying to convince him to let this slide. In front of me was a little table with a bowl of candy. I decided to take some. Beep!

Received 23 May 13 19:36pm From Blocked Number 


Heads up Hanna! Don't eat the green skittles. They make you fat.

Have fun in your jail cell :) -A

"If Aria thinks she gonna get away with this. She better think again",I thought to myself. "Hanna, time to go. Everything's been sorted". "Really? How?". "It doesn't matter! As long as you promise you will never shoplift again!" "Yes, mum. Thank you." And with that we walked out of the building. I have no idea how my mum managed to convince him but she said it doesn't matter so.. Whatevs. At least I'm not going to jail!!





*Aria's POV*

Today, I was going over to Ezra's apartment for dinner. I was nervous and excited. I told my parents I was gong to the library. I honestly don't know how long I can keep this up for. I fixed my hair. And grabbed my bag.

Knock knock! "One sec", I heard Ezra shout. "Hi", he said after opening the door, "come in". I smiled and walked in. His apartment was pretty small. His bed was in the same room his kitchen and living room was in. He pulled out a chair for me then sat opposite me. He made some chicken noodles. "Fancy",I said with a hint of sarcasm. During the dinner, we talked about each other and to keep our relationship more private. I told him that I hadn't told anyone about us and he told me the same thing. After the dinner I helped him clean up.

We took a seat on his couch, sitting beside each other. "I really had a nice time.", he said. "Me too",I replied. He leaned in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms and around his neck and my legs around his hips. Before I knew it, his shirt and trousers were off. Slowly he unzipped my dress and pulled it off. He carried me to his bed.. And well you know what happened next....

The next morning, I woke up not knowing where I was. I was in a bed. But not mine. Then it hit me. I stayed over in Ezra's house. My parents are going to kill me! I'll just tell them that after the library, I went to study with Spencer and we fell asleep... Yep that'd work. "Mornin' sleepy head", Ezra planted a kiss on my forehead. "I have to go! My parents are probably freaking out right! I'll see you on Monday", I said quickly wearing my dress, fixing my bed hair and grabbing my bag then I ran out.

When I got home I explained everything- Well I explained the lie I made up. My parents were okay with it. So I was fine. Until... BEEP!

Received 24 May 13 11:23 am From Blocked Number 


Isn't this a cute picture. I'm sure parents would love to see a picture of their 16 years old daughter,losing her virginity to a 24 years old English teacher. Don't you think?

Kisses -A

P.s I'm sure I don't need to give you any kisses because you probably got a lot of those last night. Bye.

Sent 24 May 13 11:24 am To Blocked Number 


I did what you wanted! You said my secret was safe with you! Uggh 

Reply! Reply!???




Thanks for reading. 

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Stay Beautiful :) ❤ Esty

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