Chapter Twelve:Explanations..

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*Aria's POV* 



"Really?",Hanna asked. I nodded. I had told the girls all about Meredith.  

"So did Ali tell your mom?",Spencer asked. I shook my head meaning no. "Guys, I think she remembers me." "How?",Emily asked. "I dunno. Just the way she looked at me and the tone of her voice". *Ring Ring* "Ugh, I have to go. My mom wants me back home, see ya later!",I said and grabbed my bag walking out of Emily's house.

On my way home walking, I saw my dad's car parked beside the street. I walked towards the direction of the car and went over to the corner of a wall. I heard whispering and peeked my head out the wall. My dad and Meredith were having a conversation.

"Why are you doing this?",I heard my dad saying. "What do you mean? I needed a job and got one. I thought you would be happy for me",Meredith said with a smirk on her face. "Just stay away from me and my family!",my dad shouted and started marching off over to his car.

I quickly ran out of sight.

"What does that woman want?",I thought to myself.

*Spencer's POV* 


"Have you guys gotten any texts from -A lately?",I asked. The girls all shook their heads. "What 'bout you?",Aria asked. "Nope. My phone's broken and I've been looking for someone to fix it",I replied.

"Well, Caleb could use some extra cash. He's really good with electronics",Hanna sugested. "Yeah, and Toby is an engineer in training so he could probably help",Emily added in while messing with her food.

"Em, how do you know of that information?",I asked her sounding suspicious. "He told me",She replied acting as if it was nothing.

"Why would he tell you that?! You shouldn't be hanging out with him!"

"First of all you can't tell me what to do! And second, why shouldn't I hang out with him? Is it because you think he's a freak or what?!",she shouted back at me getting fustrated.

I stayed silent. She rolled her eyes and got up from the table. Before she could leave I quickly said to her "For all we know, he could have killed Alison". She gave me a disgusted look.

"You know Spencer, out of everyone, I thought you'd be the last person to judge him",she said and then walked off.

"Emm, I'll ask Caleb if he could fix your phone",Hanna said awkwardly.

"Thanks",I said giving her the broken phone.

*Toby's POV* 


I was back from school, watching T.V. There wasn't anything good going on, so I put on the news.

Of course. They were talking about Alison DiLaurentis.

"Police have been investigating and have found evidence that Allison DiLaurentis was murdered with a shovel. Police are going to be questioning family members and friends of her again and people who might have had something against her."

I turned off the news getting annoyed with them always talking about her. She's dead but for some reason it's like she's still here. Getting all the attention as usual. I heard a car pull up so I figured it must be the taxi man bringing Jenna back home. I went outside to go help her in but stopped when I noticed her talking to Garrett Garrett the police officer. Why would they be having a conversation and why would he bring her home.

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