Chapter Six:More Secrets Revealed

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*Hanna's POV*

It was two days, after the whole secret circle thing with the girls. I honestly don't know what -A was talking about because we had still been going strong. It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do. Aria was spending time with Mr Fitz, Spencer was studying for a chemistry test and Emily had swim practice. My mum also decided to leave me. Apparently she was going out to run some errands. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. At 10pm? Yeah, well she's weird like that. I decided to order in some Chinese and watch a movie. I picked out The Notebook. Only thing that would make it better were if I had a boyfriend to watch it with. Sigh.

After about an hour and a half, I was getting tired and sleepy. My eyelids seemed very heavy. Just as I was about to doze of, I heard my front door open and close. My mum was finally back. I didn't know what took her so long to buy milk and other groceries. I wanted to go down and say hi but she was already coming up the stairs. I think I heard two people and I could hear bodies being jammed against the wall. Before I could come out of my room, my mum already passed me. With Detective Wilden. They were kissing and heading to my mum's bedroom. My mum obviously must have thought I was asleep by now. My mouth was shaped like an O. My mum noticed me, and took a quick glance at me then continued kissing Detective Wilden, dragging him by his shirt to her room. My mum was sleeping with Wilden. To cover up for me. To cover up for my mistake. I owed her big time...



*Aria's POV*

After that secret circle I was feeling guilty. Hanna had told us that she almost went to jail. It was practically my fault. I helped -A, almost put one of my best friends into jail. I'm just so thankful that Hanna's mum sorted it out, someway. But I couldn't keep it in for long. The guilt was eating me alive. I had to say something. This was as bad as keeping the secret of Ezra and I away from them. I had to get rid of my guilt and make things up to Hanna. So first I would have to confess and then find a way for her to forgive me. She's been feeling lonely lately so I guess I could fix her up with some guy. Who?

The next day I went to school. Same old same old. Except for English. My favourite subject at the moment. Just something about... :) ok so at lunch I walked over to the girls. On my way I was looking around to see who I could fix Hanna's up with. I thought "she likes bad boys? Right?" So I thought Caleb would be perfect for her. He's smart-well not really but Hanna isn't either so who cares! He's mysterious and has always kept to himself so Hanna would probably be intrigued to know about him. And he's cute too!

"Hey!", Hanna said to me. I replied with a smile and sat opposite Hanna and Emily. "So, I've got something I need to tell you something Hanna." "Go ahead", she said not realising how serious this would actually be. "I helped -A with getting you into jail." "What", asked Hanna,confused. "He..I.. He threatened to tell everyone about Ezra and I unless I took a picture of you shoplifting and send it to him. I'm so sor-". "You know what?! Save it! I can't believe you!", Hanna shouted. "I didn't know what they were going to do with it!". "Err, you should have known they would do something bad with it! They're -A!!". "I'm sorry but I didn't want Ezra to lose his job. Put yourself in my shoes." "Fine, I guess you're kinda right. I'm sorry for shouting like that but because of that my mum had to sleep with Detective Wilden so he would let me off the hook! Who knows maybe she has to do it more than once!", Hanna said. "Hanna! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen",I said. "It's alright. Even if you didn't help -A, it still would've come to this.", she replied.

So happy that my guilt was gone now and everything was cleared up now.

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