Chapter Eighteen:Shopping and Snakes

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Im really sorry for this late update :-(

But thank you for over 8K reads and 162 Votes!! Im sooo happy XD :-D thanks again x

V/C/F xx

*Hanna's POV*

"So Melissa's -A...," I said still confused.

"Yup. Was not expecting that," Spencer said. She was staying with me for the night. She didn't feel safe about sleeping in her house while Melissa was there.

"Well, I always thought she was evil!," I chuckle trying to lighten the mode. But I just received glares instead. "Too soon?," I asked which made Aria roll her eyes.

"You ok Spence?"

"Yeah thanks Aria."

"Thanks for letting me wash off my lips in your bathroom," Mona interrupted as she walked out and
into my room.


"Oh no offence! But you know how Caleb and I feel about each other."

"Right..," I said feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna go. But I'll see you at school! Bye," she chirped.

"So on to more important things! The fashion show!"

"Hanna are you serious. You really think the fashion show is more important than what we just found out?," Emily asked.

I nodded and began to explain my plans to them. "Im going shopping tomorrow with Caleb tomorrow to look for a dress for my finale outfit. Do you guys wanna come?" I asked feeling very excited.

"Oh.. poor Caleb. Hanna's forcing him against his will," she chuckled as well as the other two girls.

"I'll come. Sound fun."

"Yay Aria's coming! Anyone else?"

"Nope. I have to study," Spencer declined and Emily shook her head meaning only Aria would be accompaning myself and Caleb.

"Ok then suit yourselves.." I sighed.

*Aria's POV*
(Next day)

Caleb, Hanna and I had been at The Rosewood Shopping Mall for about 2 and a half hours. And let me just say, the time was going by VERY slow.. "I'm gonna head over to Macy's and check if they have a dress that suits me," I said as I walked out of Forever 21. "Okay bye Ari!," Hanna said to me.

*Caleb's POV*

"OMG! Caleb this is the perfect dress!," I heard Hanna shout from the other side of the dressing room door. We were still in Forever 21 and Hanna had grabbed about 8 dresses and were trying them on. "Come in," she told me. I pushed open the door slowly to reveal Hanna in a beautiful, red gown dress. I walked and closed the door behind me.

She bit her lip. "How do I look?"

"HOT!," I mouthed and began to kiss her neck. "Caleb not now..," she whined.

"Okay but only because I have to go to work. Can you go home with Aria?"

"Yeah. Bye," she gave me a quick peck and I left the shop. I looked at my watch and it was 5:58pm. Forever 21 closes at 6 so Hanna should be finished soon.

*Hanna's POV*

"The shop will be closing in exactly 1 minute. All customers and staff should be getting ready to leave. Thank you," I heard someone on the intercom saying.

"Oh shit!," I cursed to myself and began tidy up my stuff. I was about to open the door when I realised it was locked. I don't remember locking the door but okay then..

I began to panic when I couldn't open door and started banging on it.

"Help!! Is anyone here?!"

After 5 minutes of yelling I gave up and took a seat on one of the benches connected to the wall.

"What the f- Aaaahh!!," right behind me was a crate with a 10 foot snake slithering out of it!

To Aria Sent 6:14pm

SOS!! I'm at Forever 21 and I'm stuck!

"Help!! I kept banging on the other which made the snake hiss louder and come towards me up even further. I hope Aria gets here soon..


Yay!! A chapter. Soz for updating late :( but I had school work but I'll try to update again for you guys, I dunno when yet.

Thank you soo much for over 8K reads and over 160 votes!! Love yous xx

VCF (even though I don't deserve it :( lol)

Bye bye x

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