Twenty Five. The Burdens They Shared

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Fun Fact: The only reason Aidan's name is "Aidan" in this story is because that's my boyfriend's name lmao


After my slightly mental break down on Monday, Aidan had decided to make it his mission in life to act as my bodyguard for the following week.

He trailed behind me whenever he could afford to and shot anybody the look of death, that sent them scurrying along, if they so much as glanced in my direction.

Everyday he would provide me with his undivided attention, and everyday he would ask me the same three words the second his eyes fell on me each morning.

I would be basically forced to tell him exactly how I was feeling. If the word "fine" left my mouth, I would be drilled with fifty different questions until I gave in and told him, what he deemed was, a suitable response.

While there was a part of me, a big part of me, that thoroughly loved the level of attentiveness I was getting from him, there was also a pretty good chunk of of me that was annoyed.

I understood he felt the need to be somewhat protective given how everybody and their mothers were whispering about me being a crying mess in Aidan's arms, but that didn't mean I couldn't feel incredibly irritated that Aidan thought I wasn't capable of handle the situation myself.

Sure, I had displayed some form of weakness Monday morning in his arms, but that didn't mean I was a weak person in general and had to hide behind him when people glanced twice at me.

I had enough overbearing figures who made it a goal to keep my "safe and sound", I didn't need Aidan jumping on the security detail as well.

I walked into school Friday morning, intent on telling him that while his protectiveness was sweet, it was uncalled for.

I didn't need him to act as my protector. He wouldn't always be there to help me out of sticky situations, so it probably wouldn't be wise to get comfortable with the arrangement.

I stopped at my locker and frowned when I didn't see Aidan's built figure leaning against my locker like I've come use to seeing. I slowly unlocked my locker and pouted a bit.

So much for my eye opening speech about my independence and capability.

I was a little disappointed things didn't go as I had planned them to go in my head, and by the fact that I was already forgetting most of the words that had flown to mind from the time it took me to walk to the school from my car.

I was also disappointed Aidan wasn't there.

"Where's your boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes and packed my bag with the books I would need for the day. "Deacon, Aidan isn't my boyfriend."

"He's been acting like your boyfriend," he said, leaning against the locker beside me. 

"How does one act like a boyfriend in your eyes?" I asked. "Because all I've seen is someone being very friendly to me."

He snorted. "You are so naive."

"And you jump to conclusions a lot," I shook my head, flipping through an empty notebook before tossing it back in my locker. "Did you want me to get you a pogo stick or a trampoline to make it easier for you to jump so high?"

"A pogo stick?"

"Shut up."

"I don't like that Aidan kid," Deacon declared for what had to be the thousandth time. "He looks like a troublemaker."

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