A/N: Before you start the chapter please take time to read this crazy beautiful poem by @sharkgurl101 it's AMAZING.
You see me smile because I hide my frown.
You hear my laugh because I want no one to hear my cries.
You don't see the real me because that is who I fear.
So I will tell you now if you see me frown, hear me cry you are special.I do not let just anyone see what is behind the mask and curtains.
So please when I give you my heart do not drop nor crush it
Because that could be the thing that drives me over the edge.
The straw to break not the camels but my back.I almost let these feeling stop me from being me but I gained the upper ground in this fight all on my own.
So if I ask you to join me in this battle please do not turn your back because it will be your blade that kills me not the enemies.You see my smile because I hide my frown.
You hear my laugh because I want no one to hear my cries.
This is the truth of me.
Now will you be the one I trust to see
Or will you turn away when you see the real me.Isn't that just lovely? Thank you so much, babe! I love all the poems you guys are sending in, they're absolutely amazing! If you want to share your work or even cover art with me email me at memoirsoftaylor@gmail.com or DM me :)
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I squinted at the harsh sunlight that hit my eyes the moment I opened them. A wide yawn left my mouth which was followed by a wince of pain at the outrageously piercing headache that ensued from the simple action. A soft groan escaped my lips as I rubbed my temples.
"Owww," I mumbled, shifting on the bed.
Slowly, I sat up and looked around the room. I was glad I was able to recognize Majesty's guest room, although I wasn't entirely sure how I ended up there. The last thing I remember was chugging...
A sudden movement next to me caused me to start violently, and that's when I noticed Aidan lounging next to me. He had his arms behind his head and was studying me with care.
"Oh my god," I placed a hand on my heart. "I didn't even see you there. You scared me."
I sighed and fell back against the fluffy pillows, massaging my forehead. "What time is it?"
"Around eleven."
"It's eleven?" I paused, trying to gather my scattered thoughts, but every time I attempted to think the headache I was nursing would magnify and block all incoming thoughts. "Why do I feel like I've been hit by a train?"
"Probably because you were," he shrugged. "A train of alcohol if we're being exact."
"Well, that would explain my splitting headache."
I rubbed my sleep crusted eyes and tried desperately to recall what I did and/or said last night that may or may not put me in an incredibly compromising, and most likely, embarrassing situation.
Aidan leaned in for a kiss in which I quickly leaned back from.
"Well, that was incredibly hurtful," he raised his eyebrows.
"Morning breath," I covered my hand with my mouth. "Mine is probably one hundred times worse as I was drinking like a manic no doubt."

The Ballerina & The Devil
Teen Fiction"Why don't you go back to Hell?" I spat, fury boiling in the pit of my stomach. A dry smile played on his lips. "Haven't you heard, Cupcake? The Devil has yet to enter the realms of Hell." Follow the tale of Demi Lawson and Aidan Benson as they each...