I walked into school with Majesty, a huge smile on my face as I gazed adoringly down at my free of cast arm. A couple hours after being reassured by my friends that falling for Aidan wasn't the end of the world, I went to the doctor's office to finally have the cast from Hell removed.
The only downside to getting my cast removed was that I wasn't allowed to dance or do any physical activity for the next three weeks. Granted, I wasn't allowed to dance when I was in the cast, but my doctor didn't need to know that every spare moment from the time I got out of the hospital was spent dancing.
"It feels so good to be free," I sighed, stretching out my arm.
"How long are you going to wave your arm around?" Majesty rolled her eyes, not looking up from her phone.
"Forever," I made a face. "You should be as happy as I am. You know this thing has been irritating me to death."
"I am happy," she looked up at me. "But after a weekend of you waving your arm in my face I've gotten over it very quickly. Plus, I'm still envisioning how gross your arm looked after being enclosed in that cast for so long."
I wrinkled nose, remembering how dry, blotchy, and hairy my arm was when it was sawed off.
"Uh, yeah," I dropped my hair and tugged at the sleeve of my leather jacket. "I'm not going to wave it around anymore."
"Thank you."
I smiled and glanced around the hallway. My smile faltered a little when I saw people glancing at me and then away quickly. I shrugged it off. Maybe they were noticing my lack of cast.
Kenzie bounded up at that moment and fell into step beside me. "Hello, ladies."
"Hey, babe," Majesty greeted, casting her a smile. "What's up?"
"My headache levels," she placed a hand to her forehead. "I'm fighting a major hangover from last night."
"Told you not to go to that party," I shrugged. "I mean, was getting trashed Friday night not enough for you?"
"Who goes to a party on Sunday anyway?" Majesty scoffed. "It's God's day."
"Maj, you were at a party literally last Sunday," Kenzie snapped.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Majesty sniffed, examining her nails.
"Right," Kenzie rolled her eyes before smiling excitedly at me. "What are you going to say to Aidan today?"
"I have absolutely no idea," I confessed. "We haven't talked since Saturday morning, and I don't know how to approach it. Should I not say anything to him about it?"
"Not a word," Majesty advised. "Say hi and shit, but he will be the one to bring it up."
"That, or he'll just kiss you," Kenzie bumped my shoulder, grinning.
"Don't get my hopes up," I waved a hand with a sigh.
"Don't be such a downer," Majesty gave me a stern look. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"You keep saying 'What's the worst that can happen?', and that's usually when the worst tends to happen," I pointed out.
"Yeah, when you're in an ABC Family movie," she giggled. "And it's a fair question. How could things possibly go downhill in the span of three days?"

The Ballerina & The Devil
Teen Fiction"Why don't you go back to Hell?" I spat, fury boiling in the pit of my stomach. A dry smile played on his lips. "Haven't you heard, Cupcake? The Devil has yet to enter the realms of Hell." Follow the tale of Demi Lawson and Aidan Benson as they each...