A/N: ^^^^ Gif of Emma Watson aka Kenzie Winchester in the media box.
Go easy on my boo this chapter lmao remember, everything she says is said with good intentions
Also in the mediabox is State of Grace by Taylor Swift.
"Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"Okay, but when you say you kissed Chase," Kenzie said for what had to be the millionth time. "What does that mean exactly?"
"Kenzie," I looked up from my untouched lunch tray. "I love you. I do, but if you don't shut up I'm going to strangle you."
"Well, you can't just say something like that and hang up!" She protested. "That's cruel and unusual."
"I already explained it to you," I sighed and leaned against the cafeteria table. "Look, it was really nothing."
"He forced himself on you," Majesty frowned at me from across the table, twirling her spoon in her chocolate pudding. "That's not nothing. That's assault. If your brother found out-"
"He would murder him," I finished her thought. "Which is why he can't know." I turned my glare on Kenzie.
"Why are you looking at me?"
"Because you have a big mouth."
"I am so offended," she placed a hand over her heart. "I do not have a big mouth."
"Yes you do," Majesty nodded, slipping her chocolate covered spoon between her upturned lips.
"I'm noting the fact that you haven't said you won't tell him," I raised my eyebrows.
"I'm not going to tell him!"
I hold up my pinkie. "Pinkie swear."
Kenzie's eyebrows furrowed. "Do you really not trust my word?"
My friend studied me for a moment before shrugging and wrapping her pinkie around mine. "Fair enough."
"Thank you," I smiled happily, withdrawing my hand.
"I wanna know why you kissed him back though," she pestered on. "Are you insane or just stupid?"
"Both," Majesty butted in. "Definitely both."
"We all have our moments," I said dryly, picking at the burger, I had yet to eat, in front of me.
"Was it a good kiss?" Majesty smirked.
"Oh, just shut up," I glared at her. "This never gets spoken about again. Never."
"Fine," her smile was still smug as she twirled a strand of her black hair around her finger. "Let's speak about your Romeo then."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I examined my nails.
"Let me refresh your memory," Majesty cleared her throat. "Aidan Benson recited Romeo & Juliet to you before getting down on his knees and begging you to forgive him."
"I don't want to talk about it," I whined.
"But there's so much to discuss darling," Kenzie grinned. "And you still haven't told us everything. Except, of course, that he wrote a love letter for you."

The Ballerina & The Devil
Teen Fiction"Why don't you go back to Hell?" I spat, fury boiling in the pit of my stomach. A dry smile played on his lips. "Haven't you heard, Cupcake? The Devil has yet to enter the realms of Hell." Follow the tale of Demi Lawson and Aidan Benson as they each...