Forty Five and a Half. Partners in Crime

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Aidan's POV

I stared up at the ceiling, wide awake. The digital clock by my bedside read 2:43 AM. It wasn't unusual for me to be awake at this time. Sleep was a luxury I found I couldn't afford. 

It was actually pretty rare if I shut my eyes for more than an hour at a time throughout the course of one night. Not because I couldn't. It was more that I wouldn't. With sleep came nightmares. Well, a nightmare.

Just one.

The same haunting one that still scared me as shitless as it did when I was twelve years old.

It was a bit pathetic to admit that I was scared to go to sleep, but there it was. I was terrified to shut my eyes. I had already replayed my mother's death enough during my waking hours, I didn't need to see it every time I shut my eyes. At a time where I was suppose to escape the realities of the world.

Thinking back on it, I was pretty sure that the last time I actually had a goodnight sleep that consisted of no nightmares was when I was wrapped around Demi in the back of my truck.

An involuntary smile turned my lips up at just the mere memory of that night, and the thought of my girlfriend.

My girlfriend...

Damn, that was weird to say.

Never would I have thought I would have a girlfriend. Never would I have thought I would be in a relationship of any romantic sorts. Girls never made it up high on my priority list. In fact, they never made it on my any of my lists period. Of course there was the exception of using one to take care of my "needs", but that was about it.

And somehow there Demi was, at top of every single of my lists, right after Briella.

How she managed to squeeze her way into my heart was beyond me. Not only did she have me in the palm of her hand, but she had completely obliterated the wall of perseverance I had managed to place around myself for years in a span of just a few months. I would find it more unsettling than I already did if I wasn't so in lo-



Not a fucking chance. There was no way in Hell I was... No.

It had only been three fucking months. Three months. What sensible and grounded person could know if they were... that in such a short span of time? It was not only insane, but I had strict rule I, under no uncertain circumstances, planned on breaking anytime soon, not even for Demi.

It was a vow I was willing to take to my grave since the day I made it five years ago.

Love, particularly the falling bit, fucked everyone over. I watched it destroy my mother's entire entity until she was nothing but an empty shell, and then that empty shell was shattered into pieces.

I didn't want to end up like my mother, destroyed by another person, and I really didn't want to end up like my father, a person who destroyed someone else.

That would be the worst. Destroying somebody. Destroying Demi.

I'd be damned first.

Although, she did seem to be doing a pretty good job of that entirely on her own.

I let out a deep sigh and ran a hand over my face as my mind drifted to her crying face. It disturbed me then, and the thought disturbed me now.

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