Fifty Seven. One More Time

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A/N: The comments in the last chapter had me ctfu 😂😂😂. Y'all would not stop asking me when Demi was going to find about Aidan's shady habits & then go off on me when I finally make it happen??? 👀🤔😩

The song in the media box is Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo - Glee cover btw

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"Okay so when you say you broke up-"

"We broke up, MacKenzie!" I finally snapped, having had enough of her insistent questioning. "We're done. Over. No longer a thing. My answer hasn't changed from five minutes ago or from a week ago. Stop asking!"

"Um okay, Miss Snappy," she held up her hands in surrender. "Looks like being single again has you bitchier than usual."


I sighed and stared ahead as we walked in silence down the hallway to our homeroom. I honestly didn't know how I felt about that. I don't think it had really hit me what I had potentially- who the hell was I kidding? What I had done.

Despite it being a good week since I decided to cut ties with Aidan, my mind was still trying to wrap around what I had accidentally discovered. I just couldn't believe Aidan was a drug dealer.

Actually, I kind of could.

If I really went back, which I had been doing several times and day for the past seven days, and thought back to his behavior and his pricer possessions, like his bike, it was actually painfully obvious to the point where it was pretty embarrassing on my part I didn't see that something was up earlier.

How naive and oblivious could a person get?

Another small sigh escaped my parted lips. This time of devastation.

I knew I really didn't much of a choice as far as ending things with Aidan went. It wasn't like I could continue frolicking around town with somebody who was so deeply involved in the Mafia. Somebody who murdered other people because it was in his job description. I mean, my God, he was a murderer. This went beyond the typical bad boy who skipped class to go smoke in the parking lot. He was a criminal. A Class A felon.

But what was more, the truth about what he did, who he really was, just brought to light the fact that Aidan didn't trust me as much as I thought he did, and maybe it made me incredibly self absorbed, but that thought alone made my skin crawl even more than his "occupation".

Okay, so was I in the position to pass judgment on Aidan for lying when I, myself, was a pretty exceptional liar when it pertained to my own habits? Not at all, but that attempt of rationalization didn't stop the sadness and hurt from washing over me in waves when I thought about it.

Aside from the whole love situation (which I personally did not count as a lie as I had barely come to terms with it myself) I had been pretty straight forward and honest with Aidan about everything going on in my life.

I had told him my deepest, darkest, and, to be frank, ugliest secret that I found I physically wasn't capable of voicing out loud to anyone else, not even when it had come out the first time. I told him everything going on in my head, all the turmoil that took over my heart every waking moment when I felt I couldn't confide in anybody else. People who I shared pretty much everything with, and why?

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