Fifty Nine. The Right One

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A/N: Before you dive into this next chapter I would like to present this crazy beautiful poem by @origamipoetry. It's absolutely amazing thank you, hon!

She danced around the stars and the moon
While he watched from his seat on the sun
She was silent and graceful as she spun to her tune
Unaware of the heart she had won

His skin was alight with the fires of rage
He'd been burying since he was born
Her emotions were kept in an icy cold cage
Afraid her heart would be torn

The ballerina was frozen with unbroken fear
While the devil was burning with wrath
But they danced together above the atmosphere
She melted and he cooled in the aftermath

Fire and ice, harmonizing together
Alone in a galaxy of hate
Connected by love's invisible tether
A world of peace they could create

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was freaking out.

I wasn't entirely sure why I was freaking out, I mean you would think that a person who was snuggling up to their half naked and extremely good looking boyfriend would be one of the happiest beings to walk the Earth, but of course if anybody had to be the exception to that it would be me.

I shifted slowly under Aidan's heavy arm and turned my body so I was facing him. My racing heart calmed noticeably when I took in his serene face and his quiet snore as he slept peacefully.

I really didn't know how I was feeling or how I was suppose to feel after last night. Freaked out was, of course, one emotion I could place a finger on, but I didn't know whether it was a good freaked out or a bad freaked out.

Maybe it was somewhere in between.

It wasn't like I was deeply regretting what Aidan and I did. I told him, I repeatedly told him, that I wanted to have sex with him, and I meant that. It was just that I had obviously never lost my virginity before, and there were emotions I couldn't string together into words hitting me with such a brute force that it had me laying wide awake for hours long after Aidan had passed out. They had me pondering what to do with them or where to place them.

The only thing I did know was that I needed some momentary space to clear my clouded thoughts.

Slowly I extracted his arm from around me. It took a few tries as he seemed reluctant to let go, even in his deep sleep, but eventually I managed to escape his grasp.

Quietly I slid out from under the covers and retrieved my clothes that were scattered around the room. After I had slipped them on and tugged on my boots I went back over to bed and sat on the edge gently so I didn't disturb Aidan.

I ran my fingers through his hair, taking in his handsome face one more time before kissing his cheek gently, and then quietly getting up and retreating from the room.

It was after I had shut the door lightly and turned around that I almost jumped out of my skin. I placed a hand to my heart and sighed when I saw Briella standing in the doorway of a lit up bathroom across the small hallway.

"Demi?" She asked, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Hi, sweetie," I smiled. "Are you okay?"

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