Sixty One. The Truth Will Always Come Out

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A/N: Before you start the chapter I want you to check out this beautiful poem written by @starlights_pen. This is by far one of the best poems I've received by far and speaks volumes!!! Thank you so much hon :)

The Price Of Skinny:

My hip bones jut out
But my belly's still fat
So I'll skip one more meal
There's no harm in that

I'm dizzy and tired
Every single day
But skinny takes work
So I'll be okay

I hide from mirrors
They say what I don't want to hear
And I can't hate a reflection
If it isn't there

I cover my body
In large shirts a sweaters
I'm too fat to be seen
So I ignore the scorching weather

The guilt weighs me down
And my secrets are hard to keep
My heart hurts violently
And this addiction runs deep

What started out
As a desperate plea
To simply be pretty
Has completely consumed me

I'm weak and ashamed
I hate what I've become
But it's worse when I stop
What on earth have I done?

It's all consuming
This secret I keep
But I accept my lasting pain
The price of skinny is steep

WARNING: This is an obnoxiously long chapter AND it hasn't been proofread AND there IS triggering material towards to middle-ish/end-ish.

RECAP (since it's been more than a minute): In the last chapter Demi was being her usual lying ass self. She lied to Aidan, she lied to Jordan, I'm sure she lied to twenty other people as well because let's be real, all that girl does is lie. She convinced an unwilling Aidan to attend the winter ball with her, anddddd....that's it. I think. Idk. I haven't looked at this book in a month.

Enjoy the story!

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Something wasn't right.

I sat in front of my dresser, staring at my reflection in the mirror trying to place where the sudden wave of unhappiness had come from.

It had hit me out of nowhere. Just a half an hour ago I was relishing in the happiness of Majesty's ball growing closer and closer in minutes. I was happy when I woke up in the morning. I was happy when I went on a Starbucks run with Kenzie. I was happy when I talked on the phone with Aidan, and even happier when Briella snatched it away to carry out her own conversation. I was happy when I examined the dress I would be wearing that night. I was happy when I got in the shower.

I was happy until the moment I sat down at my dresser to stare at my reflection. That was when my happiness was zapped away.

And I realized how unhappy I was.

I shut my eyes and sank my head into the palms of my hand. The all too familiar prickling feeling behind my eyelids began and before I could regain control of my sudden spiraling emotions I was crying.

It was a forceful kind of cry, the kind that was accompanied with heavy, rapid breathing. My hands began to tremble, and my heart rate picked up at a speed that most certainly wasn't normal.

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