IMPORTANT Author's Note

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I know a lot of you are going to be disappointed that this isn't a chapter update, but y'all got a post a few days ago so you'll be fine LOL.

Anyway, I've decided that it's high time to address Demi's eating disorder. When I started this story it didn't even cross my mind that at some point I would have to but there are comments that have successfully pissed me off to the point where I just can't, in good conscious, ignore them anymore.

Now, I'm well aware of the fact that most people really don't fully understand what it's like to be bulimic, anorexic, or have any type of eating disorder, but not understanding something does not make it okay to leave ignorant and idiotic comments.

First of all, eating disorders are not something that people can simply "get over" nor is it problem that can be solved by just "grabbing a burger and eating it slowly" as someone put it. Telling someone with an ED, or any other type of mental illness, to "get over it" has as much effect as telling a person with cancer to "get over it" doesn't do a damn thing. Intense treatment is required to change the mindset these people have, and just because that treatment is given doesn't mean everything is fixed and suddenly snaps into place for them.

You cannot tell someone who has an ED to just "work out" efficiently, or to "eat healthy" if they want to lose weight "so badly". If it was as simple as that than 24 million people in the United States alone wouldn't be struggling with the disorder. It's a disease of the mind that takes its toll on the brain and body.

A person with anorexia, bulimia, etc. is not capable of seeing themselves the the light everybody else sees them. Demi, for example, is not in anyway fat. She is slim and muscular as she's someone who does intense ballet. That being said because Demi is a victim of an eating disorder what she sees in the mirror isn't what everybody else sees when they look at her. She's not being overdramatic in the slightest nor is she being ridiculous. She truly believes she is fat. The state of mind she is in will not allow her to see herself for what she truly is. That's why so many people with these types of eating disorders end up dying. They're obsessed with losing weight and can't see the harm they're inflicting on their body. It's an addiction, and just like a drug addiction or a gambling addiction it's not something that fixes itself overnight.

No one ever fully recovers from an eating disorder. It's a battle you fight for the rest of your life, and it's easier than you would think to fall off the wagon which is exactly what happened to Demi. A small instance made her fall back into her old habits. She had a moment of weakness, and her resolve broke.

It's not as if she wants to be like this. Who the hell wants to be sick? It's obvious that she's struggling with her relapse, and that she doesn't enjoy lying to her family and friends. She feels guilty as it has been stated multiple times, but it's hard for people like this to ask for help the first time. Never mind asking for help after they've gone through the process of treatment and everybody thinking they're "recovered". She's ashamed of herself, it's as simple as that.

I completely understand why most people would be annoyed with the situation as it is a tedious one, but being annoyed doesn't give anybody the right to make idiotic comments like "she deserves to die".

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but seriously? Don't be an asshole. There are certain lines that shouldn't be crossed and saying anyone deserves death is one of them. Comments like that are getting deleted and users will be reported.

I do not plan on resolving Demi's eating disorder in a chapter because not only would that be completely unrealistic, but it would be an insult to people who actually struggle with this terminal disease. I'm telling you right now that this is something that will continue to play out throughout the remainder of the book. If you don't think you can handle it that's completely understandable. Just stop reading and delete the book from your library.

This isn't just me being defensive over my main character, this is me educating people as well as attempting to get rid of the stigma that is still behind eating disorders and mental illnesses in general. It's just as valid a disease as any other. It's not being vain or being superficial. It's a tragic disease that kills thousands upon thousands of people.

Hopefully I explained this okay and people have a better understanding of what's been going on. I love all my readers. We're like a big group of friends, but like in any true friendship I often feel the need to slap the shit out of some of you.

Love you all! I'll post soon (in the next week soon) I promise.


P.S. I'm thinking of making a trailer for this book. Any moviemaker suggestions???? (or people who are willing to do it for me because, you know, I'm lazy lol)

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