(CHAPTER 1) Welcome to new york!

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"AAAANND DONE!" (Y/n) said out loud. She then flopped onto the couch. She had just put the finishing touches onto her new apartment. Though it was tiny, it's close to her campus.
Wait you must be confused!
(Y/n) got into a college in New York! She quickly moved into an apartment, and there is one week before school is in session. Her parents though wanted her to take her time with the move, she was excited to leave her home town. Everything happened so fast. So now she's just on the couch, happy that she finished organizing everything.

I stared up at the ceiling.
'Now I have nothing to do...'
I was super happy to go to New York. But I have no family or friends here.
'I'm hoping I make friends once school starts, but for now I'm just, lonely.'
'Maybe I should call (bf/n)!'
(Bf/n) is my bestfriend! We have known each other forever!
I reached for my phone and dialed her number.
"Hello?" (Bf/n) said
"Oh hey (y/n). I thought you where gonna call tonight..."
True, you and (Bf/n) promised to call every night to stay close, but I'm so bored I had to call now!
"I'm boooooored."
"You are in New York City! Go explore dude! It's one of the best cities ever and you're calling me!?"
"But what would I do, I don't know anyone, and it's dangerous, I could get robb-"
"(Y/n) you think to much. Just go to eat or sight see or something."
"But I-"
"Bye (y/n)!"
The call ended. She's right I should go out.
You changed into a (insert ideal outfit here). You decided to go a cafe. It was big and pretty, you could go eat outside and it had a little garden. It was really nice.
'It's still awkward not knowing anyone.'
You went to buy a coffee and (insert snack here).
'Damn this place is expensive!' You reached for your wallet.
Oh god! Where is it!
"Hold on one second sorry!"
You said to the cashier who looked unamused. Don't tell me I forgot my wallet!!!

~America POV~
I was walking out of the world meeting center. We had our meeting in my country this time.
We didn't get to cover my plan on how to fend our selves from aliens because England and France started fighting! And then Germany calmed everything down and said my plan won't help any of the world problems!
'oh well, I'll just ignore the haters and try to express my opinion in our next meeting because I'm the hero!'
I was already out in the busy streets of New York.
'Man I'm hungry! Maybe I should go to McDonald's.
No it's too far of a walk...'
I ended going into near by cafe.
That's when I saw a girl, she was panicking, looking in her purse.
"Hey dudette are you ok?"
She turned around and looked at me. I know her.
"Y-yeah I'm fine, I just can't find my wal-"
I said loudly. Some people looked me.
"Um T-thank you"

~Y/n POV~
Some guy saved my butt by paying for me.
Though he was really loud, he was trying to be nice.
"W-well thanks..."
"No problem little lady."
I went to walk to a table and he followed along. 'Damn it, this is awkward'
"SO! Tell me about yourself!"
He basically yelled. I am not gonna give all my information to a stranger.
"Oh well I just moved here, for college..."
"That's cool, what college you going too."
'Why is he asking me this! I mean it's nice that he payed for me but he is kinda pushing it considering we just met, he could be an axe murderer for all I know!'
You thought.
"Erm..." That's all you could manage to say.
"Dude I just want to know about your personality, it's not like I'm asking for you social security number, address, and Zip code" he laughed.
It made you feel a bit relived.
"Well I'm (y/n), I'm going to (insert college name here). I'm from (insert state/province/country/what ever you want m8). I enjoy learning believe it or not. I also like anime, I like reading, and eating and sleepin- Sorry I'm rambling tell me about yourself!"
You blurted out. 'Ok I came out a little strong' you scolded yourself.
"Haha no I enjoy hearing you talk. I'm Amer- I mean Alfred Jones. I'm completely American. I love eating, playing video games, exploring, and OF COURSE BEING THE HERO!"
'Jesus what's with this guy and the hero stuff'.

~No ones POV~

(Y/n) and Alfred talked for almost 2 hours. Mostly about stories and interests, and a bunch of cool stuff. They actually hit it off even though (y/n) was reluctant of it at first. After that, Alfred walked
(Y/n) home. (Y/n) was happy with the meet, but she didn't get his number or anything. The only true important facts she knows about him is his name, and that he is 19. Other than that she knows that stories and hobbies of his. She hoped they would meet again by chance, but to her this meet wasn't very important to her. Alfred on the other hand, it meant the world to him.

~America POV~
I know her
She's beautiful, and perfect, it's not like this is the first time I've met her.... I have to make her mine, I like h-
I love her.
I know her, she loves me.
I have to make her mine.
-Y A N D E R E-

Authors Note:
Thanks for reading and make sure to comment, and star, and add to your lists if you enjoyed! It will get darker as it continues.

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