{Yandere Book Out}

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Remember a while back ago I mentioned I might make a yandere!various x reader, well I did. First chapter is an explanation on some things, and the chapter has been released.

The book is called "My addiction" (It has a picture of juuzou as the cover)

It's on my page go check it out.
So how it's gonna work is you can request a character from an anime or show and I'll make a short Yandere Fanfic with them.

More details in the book so check it out.
I'm still going to write this one, and may right other long stories, but I have multiple ideas for all sorts of characters. I'm also thinking on writing a book about "Yandere" in general.

This book is ending you guys. I'm around 11K
which I didn't expect. I expected like 7 people and maybe a passing pigeon would read this and that's it.

You guys are awesome for reading this poorly written fanfic, brings joy to my little gay ass heart.

So go and violently throw requests at me in the new book!

~H (Author)

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