(CHAPTER 2) I know her

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~Americas POV~
(Y/n) (L/n).... I know her.....

~No ones POV~
-flash back to 1960-
America had met a girl, she needed directions. Her name was (Y/n) Marie Davis. She was one of the leaders of the feminist movement and a journalist. Alfred and her hit it off immediately. They fell in love, They balanced each other out, Alfred being silly and supporting, and (Y/n) was smart and caring.
Alfred then decided to tell her he was a country. (Y/n) was fine with it. He then had to explain that He won't age with her, and he lives forever. This was too much for
(Y/n), she was trying her best to be with Alfred, living life to the fullest, she quit her job. She was very stressed. Alfred saw that, and tried to help her. (Y/n) was so stressed by love. She couldn't handle it, she killed herself. Alfred was devastated.
Sometimes love hurts....

~Americas POV~
'(Y/n) Marie Davis....'
He thought. The woman he loved the most. It's her. 'I knew I knew her, they have the same personality and kinda of the same interests!' He yelled internally.
This time he wouldn't let her slip away, he loved her, she loved him. They where meant to be. 'Maybe I can get iggy to give me a spell to make her live, forever, with me!' She was would be his, like it should have been...

3 months later
~(y/n) POV~
It's been three months since you met Alfred, you haven't seen him since! Actually the little meeting you had with him didn't mean anything to you at this point. You're already in school, you had made many friends and are enjoying school. Your good friend, Giselle (if that's your name change it m8), had given you a tour of New York! Everything is going great, I mean your hating the work of studying of course. You've been skipping hanging out with your new friends to study. It sucks a lot, but you came to New York to study at the end! Now you're in the middle of studying. 'Man I'm sleepy...' You are facing a textbook but you're dozing off. 'Ok one little nap won't hurt..............' And you're asleep. You dreamed about named (y/n) Marie Davis, and how she was a hard worker. 

~Americas POV~
I watched (y/n) as she fell asleep. I have been watching her since we met. I've just been making sure she's ok. She leaves her windows open usually. Which is very dangerous, since this is New York, she could get robbed or attacked. But lucky me has the advantage to get into her apartment, spend time with her (not when she's awake oh course), and then lock the window afterwards. I climbed into her window, Luckily she lives on the first floor this apartment building. I grabbed a small blanket and covered her. She moved a little in her sleep.
'Sooooo cute!' I thought. A placed a kiss on her forehead. I looked at her textbooks laid out on her desk.
One book with bold letters had placed on the front cover.
She shouldn't study! It'll just stress her out. The last thing I want is for her to stress, not again. The only thing I want her to focus on is me, unless she doesn't want to. It doesn't matter, I love her, that's what matters. Even if she doesn't love me, sooner or later she will. I'm already planning it. I have all the preparations.

Soon she'll be mine...

(Time skip brought to you by iggy burning his cereal)

~Your POV~
It's been 5 months in school, I'm so stressed by work. I'm basically singing the F.R.I.E.N.D intro (SO NO ONE TOLD YOU LIFE WAS GONNA BE THIS WAY!) My lazy personality is yelling, intensely, Oh well, sometimes life is a big 'b' word filled with boring work!
Though also in that stress is I feel like I'm being watched, I walk from my campus to my house every day and I usually feel like someone is watching me. I mean this is New York City, so there's plenty of people looking, walking, etc. But I feel like one person is watching me specifically. It's kinda of scary.
'I'm walking home right now actually, I need to get home and study for some exams.'
Interrupting that thought was your stomach
'Though I'm craving fancy food, But I have no money so I'll just eat some ramen...'
You where nearing your apartment building.
'For the first time I feel like I'm not being watched.... Yet I have a bad feeling in my stomach....'
I thought to myself. I rushed home. I unlocked my door and walked into the dark one room apartment. Feeling nervous I quickly I turn on the lights.
That's when I saw;
Standing in the middle of the room. He stared at me, at first having a serious expression, but it changed to a warm one.


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