{Leave} Submissive ending

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"Alfred... Morning..."

"Haha, you're still half asleep aren't you? It's fine. But hey, how you feeling?"

Your (e/c) looked at him in confusion. The blue eyed hero took notice of that and quickly responded.

"L-like last night. You went a bit crazy, you know with hitting, and the screaming, and the bre- well you know what I mean."

'Oh almost forgot about that...'

"I'm better I guess. I'm sorry about that... I really am."

You actually were sorry. You had broken a bunch of items, which was unnecessary. You also said sorry, because you don't want to him to get mad.

"Hey dudette it's fine. No need to be sorry, as long as you're ok."

Alfred sat up, smile on his face. He was wearing a plain white shirt, and you could make out captain America pants.

Realizing you were staring, you decided to look at the white sheets.

He bent down towards you and planted a kiss on your head.

"Hey lets get breakfast! That'll lighten the mood!". He hopped off the king sized bed sized bed and dashed to the door.

"Hurry up! I'm gonna make pancakes! Or (Favorite breakfast food)~!"

And then he ran out. While you were just beginning to slowly rise up. You looked at the window.

'I love Alfred. And I told him...'

Tears streamed down your face, you hated how pitiful you were.

'But I want to go home so badly... Oh god, why did you put me in this position...'

Now you were crying. You flopped back onto the bed, and cried into the nearby pillow.

'What do I do...'

You were in love with Alfred, you found the ability to look past all the bad that has happen, because at the end, he really does love you. You need him, and he needs you. But you also love your family, your friends, and your life. You miss it.

"HEY (Y/N)! YOU COMING?!" Alfred called from downstairs. You quickly stop crying and start get up, wiping any tears that are trying to fall. As you move towards the door, Rika came in running around you, trying to get your attention.

"Hey Rika!" You gave Rika a pet on the head.

"(Y/N)?" You hear Alfred call again.

"Uh coming!"

You sped down the stairs to the kitchen. There stood Alfred making pancakes by the stove. He turned to face you, his smile fading a little.

"Woah, were you crying?! There are dried tears on your face!" His face turned into a worried one. He turned off the stove and rushed towards you.

"W-what? No Alfie I was just crying cause I um, stubbed my toe! Y-yeah, it hurt a lot...".
That was first response you could think of. Not your best.

"(Y/n) please, do you expect me to believe that?" His face got even sadder as he sat down, and motioned for you to sit too.

"Tell me what's up (nickname)."

"What's up? The ceiling is up! Hahaha~" you sputtered out, in your moment of nervousness.

"(Nickname)... Please... Is it about... Being with me? Do you still..."
Tears flooded his bright baby blue eyes.

"Alfred... Don't cry! Please, I love you, I hate to see you like this."

"Do you love me? Or are you just saying that?! Huh (y/n)?" Those tears that threatened to fall, where now falling freely on his face. That caused you to also cry.

"Why would I just say that?! I love my family, my life, my friends, and my apartment. You took all away, but even though you did that, I fucking love you." You raised your voice at him.

Which caused him to raise his:


Both of you were standing and actively yelling.

Alfred slammed his fist against the table causing you to flinch and jump back.

"(Nickname)..." His anger diminished, seeing he scared you.

"Look I'm sorry (y/)-"

"You know what I want Alfred?"

"Look (nickname), I don't want to argue this anymore please-"

"I want to leave."

"(Y/n) stop, let's eat breakfast." His voice became threatening. He was warning you, if you kept talking, you would be in big trouble.

He began walking back towards the stove, his back facing you.

You reached out and grabbed his sleeve and said;

"I want to leave, but with you with me!"

His eyes widened.

"W-wait wha-"

"Come Alfie, let's go back. And we can date normally, then maybe get married. I can study, while you do country stuff."

"(Y/n) I don't know, h-"

"Alfred I want to go home more than anything, but I can't stand the thought of going home, and not seeing you again."

The tears from your eyes may have been falling, but the smile on your face did not falter.

You hugged him from behind, allowing your tears to stain his shirt.

He was silent, and you were unable to see his face, due to him facing the other way. His hands placed themselves on your hands, that were wrapped around his torso.

Minutes passed, but it felt like forever.

"(Nickname)." He finally said, softly pushing you off so he could turn around. He had his classic big smile on his face, but for some reason, it looked brighter than usual.

"Sure, I'll go with you!"

-End Submissive Route-

-End Yandere!America x Reader-

I finished you guys! Thanks to everyone who has been reading! This book is almost at 30k and that's insane.

I sincerely thought by the end, I would have maybe 2 to 5k. That was my expectations. So thank you.

I know the words "thank you" have lost its meaning, due to it being over used to point where people say carelessly, but I mean it when I say "THANK YOU". Thank YOU. You as an individual. Thanks. Very important chapters ahead, so go read that please!

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