{Stay} Submissive Ending

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Stock·holm syn·drome
feelings of trust or Affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor...
America, AKA Alfred. I want to say
"He is evil. He deserves the worst. He ruined my life."

But I can't find those emotions in me any more, it was all replaced with need. With want.

The feeling to protect, to fight , and care for. It's disgustingly cheesy, and the man did not deserve any of that attention. He kidnapped a young girl, held her captive, and abused her psychologically, and sometimes even physically. But he took my emotions and twisted them into knots. Made me dependent on him. At first by 'dependent',
I mean, he gave me food, shelter, and all other necessities (if I didn't defy him of course). But slowly my mental state began deteriorating, and my emotions were all wacky. I needed Alfred, so I can continue surviving, with some sanity left. I needed to adapt to my surroundings. Every thing will be fine, Alfred's a good guy, not a hero (Alfred: TRIGGERED), but a good guy.

"Yooo, earth to (y/n). I said morning." America said snapping you out your thoughts.

"O-oh sorry, I was thinking of something, g-good morning!"

"Oh it's ok (y/n), you just woke up so. Hey dude, you wanna go get some breakfast?! A neighbor of mine taught me how to make some great pancakes!" He sat up, staring down at you, with possessive eyes you decided to just ignored and look past.

"Oh uh ok sure! I'd love some." You said quietly, but still in a content voice.

Alfred jumped off the bed. He was wearing a plain white shirt and a captain America patterned bottoms.

"Oh by the way, how you feeling? Last night you were a bit out of control. You want to talk about?" He looked you sympathetically.

'Oh yeah... Almost forgot that happened. Well I guess I'll just move on from that.'

"I'm better. No I think it's better if we just ignore that..."

Suddenly Alfred put his hand on yours, you quickly panicked.

'Did I say something wrong?!'

"Ignore it? E-even when..."
He looked away.

"Even when you said that you loved me?"


"Do you (y/n)? (Y/n) look at me. Do you love me? Were you lying? Please (y/n) I have to know!"

You stared the floor. You do love him. You don't know how to say it now, with him acting all like this.

"You don't right? Yeah, of course you don't..." Alfred began walking towards the bedroom door. You quickly got up as well and went after him.

"W-wait, Alfred!"

"What? What do you want? To tell me you hate me?" He raised his voice at you, anger and sadness in that sentence.

"Alfred stop doubting me! Of course I do!" You yelled out.

You quickly covered your mouth because you yelled at him, and you certainly didn't mean to. You calmed down and looked him in the eyes. His angry expression turned into a shocker one.

Yandere! America x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now