{leave} Rebellious Ending

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Warning: If you are triggered by concepts about depression, death, and stuff like that, don't read this chapter. Wait until the next two happy endings rather than read this.
Author: Listen to the song while reading.

He kidnapped you.
Drugged you.
Held you captive.
'No. I can't. I can't be his little slave.'

"Hey (y/n), are you alright? You seem-"

"Get away from me" You cried out. You shoved the country away from you and shot up from the king sized bed. Untangling the covers that remained on you, you sprinted to the door.
Opening it wide and running out.

Rika's body pounced on you in excitement, thinking you were playing. But once the pup heard your choked out sobs, he backed away, sensing your sadness.

Fear, pure fear, ran through your veins. Like as if you were being kidnapped all over again.
What was the plan? You have no idea. But first


You have to protect yourself.

'Weapons? Even though he's a America, and I probably would've expected guns every where. But I haven't really seen any...'

You ran through the large halls towards a flight of stairs, going towards the second floor.

"T-the kitchen..." You mumbled.
'I could get a knife, so I don't look 100% helpless.'

You could hear Alfred yelling from not so far behind, calling your name.

"(Y/n)~" he said calmer sweet tone, as if he was trying to convince you into his arms. He had stopped in his place, you could tell. He probably still upstairs.

"Come on (y/n)... I promise nothing bad will happen, just come back to bed with me, and I'll pretend like none of this ever happened. Ok?"
He spoke like he dealing with a small child.

You didn't respond, because that would give away your location even more.
'Just keep running... Kitchen. Kitchen.'

You reached the kitchen, and at your arrival you heard Alfred say:
"Fine (y/n). Have it your way. My god."

He was moving in your direction again.
You quickly look through drawers and got the sharpest knife you could find. And then you kept moving.

Front door.
Of course.

Windows too.

You found yourself at a dead end. As you began to turn around you heard someone say in your ear:
"Give me the knife now."

'Oh no.'

Alfred blocked your path. On his face was not an angry look. But a smiling, sweet, and sick look. It was way worst than the angry look.

"(Y/n) give me the knife. Please, you'll get hurt."

You pointed the knife at him.
"G-get back. Now. I-I'll stab you! I will!"
You faked confidence. Some how he saw right through.

"(Y/n)... You won't do that. First off if you did, it'd be hard. I'm a country, and way stronger than you."
His hand motioned for you to put down the knife, but you would not give in.

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