(CHAPTER 7) Rika

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•Your Pov•
You are now eating some McDonald's with Alfred. You were trying to keep as quiet as possible, not wanting to trigger one of his mood swings.

'Is he Bipolar or something?'

You frowned at the thought, if he was clinically bipolar, that'd make having to deal with him harder

"So (y/n)-" he spoke as he was stuffing burgers down his face.

"You wanna watch a movie tonight? We could watch the new captain America movie!" He grinned goofily.

'How can he threat me one sec, and the other act like a kid?'
"(Y/n)? Why won't you answer?" Alfred asked, til smiling, but it didn't seem the same as before.
"I- um- I d-don't um c-a, I me-an I don't kn-n-ow. I-I'm sorry." Damn it you stuttered.
Alfred grabbed you and hugged you?
(A/N: look at the photo, that's basically what he's doing).

"Seriously, you wanna watch a movie?"
"N-no I'd rather go to my room. I-if you don't mind." Again I stuttered, shit.

"Oh boooo! Fine but don't you want to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up- wAIT NOT YOURE DIRTY BUT LIKE I DONT KNOW, BUT YA KNOW, SORRY!"
You flinched at his sudden raise in voice.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's ok, and yes, I'd like to go get cleaned up."

He took you to a bathroom and gave you some clothes to change into.
You showered and put on a (favorite super hero) tank top, and sweat pants.
'At least he didn't choose anything provocative to wear...'
You went to your room and fell asleep.


It's been two months in this house, It's just been a repeat cycle, Alfred leaving to do country stuff while you roamed the house, he comes home, you two eat, you avoid him. Mostly you try to stay in your room, but a couple times he was able to drag you to play video games or watch a movie. You attempted to escape again, but as punishment Alfred locked you in your room and starved you for 3 days. He said if I did it again, the punishment would be worse. You came up with many ideas, but none of them would work. You felt so lonely, no contact to anyone but Alfred... Alfred noticed how you where acting and continued with trying to get you to submit to him, while trying to please you. Every time he asked
"What do you wanna do (y/n), come on, don't be sad"
"I want to go outside please..."
"I can't do that (y/n), not yet at least."

-Americas POV-
I was now driving home. (Y/n) has been depressed, I would be too if I were in her situation. I should get her something, like a gift.

"I want to make (y/n) happy... What do I do..."

I passed by a pet store and a light bulb came above me, shining brightly.

~Another time skip bc I am lazy scum bag~

I drove into the drive way and grabbed the "surprise" and began to walk to towards the door. I went inside to see (y/n) lifelessly watching tv. She turned towards me and saw what was in my hands.

"Oh my gosh is that! A puppy!" Her eyes lit up and as I laid the puppy on the floor and she went to pet it. The dog of course was excited in her presence, I joined in and sat next to (y/n) and played with the pup.

"Where'd you get it? It's so cute! Are we keeping it?"

"I got it a pet store, and heck yeah we are keeping him! He's adorable like you!"

(Y/n) was smiling brightly. She put the puppy on her lap and began to hug it. "What's his or her name?" She asked

"Well >his< name is Rika."
"Hi Rika~" she said childishly to the dog. She's happy, I'm happy, things are starting to go my way.

Authors note: I finally updated!!! Well by the way, If you don't like dogs, pretend it's a cat, or whatever animal you'd like. I chose Rika because it's short for Amerika (Japanese way of America). Chapters are gonna be a little shorter, like this one. Remember to vote, comment, and add to your lists and libraries!

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