{leave} Neutral Ending

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Hey you guys! I'd like to take a sec before the chappy, to recommend a great story! It's not on Wattpad, it's on quotev, it's called
"You need me (Manipulator Yandere X reader)". I don't know the author, and I just recently read and finished it. But it's amazing you guys should most definitely check it out if you're into Yandere. It has the most amazing writing and plot. Like Jesus Christ the author should be a real writer in the future.
Well enough rambling.
On with the story!

The fighting in your head was a battle.
There was one choice you could come to.
A complete neutral path.

You needed to just remove your mind from the situation. This way you'll adapt. Broken.
But at least you'll survive with out complete submission.

"Hey (y/n)? You ok? The other day you weren't doing so hot."
Alfred said to you.

You stared blankly into oblivion.
"I'm fine." You said in monotone.

"You... You don't seem all right? Are you sure?"

"No. I'm fine." Again, you spoke as if you were a robot. Stripped of humanity.

"Uh ok? Let's go get breakfast, maybe you'll do better after some food." Alfred got up, lightly holding your hand to lead you to the kitchen, He could sense you wanted to stay in the bed.

He opened the door, and the both of you were greeted by a overly excited pup!
Rika pounced on your legs.
Alfred's smile brighten, as if he knew that Rika would cheer you up for sure. Rika had always made you happy!

But no. You didn't react at all. You barely looked at the little jumpy (dog/breed). Not that you did it purposely.
You just...
Aren't there.

Alfred looked extremely surprised that you completely ignored Rika. It utterly shocked him when the puppy gave up on trying to get your attention and scurried away.

"Erm- (y/n), what was all that about?"

"What was what about?" Again with the empty tone.

"R-Rika?! You just, well. Yeah!"

"Was Rika here I didn't notice. I thinking of something."

The way you said things. They weren't harsh. Cold. Or even sarcastic. Just blank. Like you were not you.
That was scaring Alfred.
And then he said all flustered and awkwardly:

"I know I s-shouldn't ask this or anything. But are you like, erm. Like um, on your
Then he quickly blurted out;
"That time of the month?! N-no offense!"

(Y/n) simply glanced at him, with soulless eyes, then looked back to nothing and simply replied

"Ok sorry..."

The two of you then had breakfast.
A very silent breakfast.

/5 month time skip brought to by: You cannot see time but yet your mind can sense it. You are fully aware of it. Like if someone says "how long have we been in class?" You can predict "about 10 minutes". But really what is 10 minutes? Is there a true measurement for time? Is our human measurement correct?\

\America's POV\

It's been 5 months. (Y/n) has been completely lifeless. No matter what I did,
I gave her kindness, care, affection, gifts, clothes, entertainment, and love, but nothing at all was helping her. Absolutely nothing.
She was dead

Yandere! America x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now