{stay} Neutral Ending

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"Morn..ing..." I spoke up.
I wouldn't look at him; I just continued to stare into the sheets of the bed.

"Hey, are you alright (y/n), you were a bit crazy the other night babe." He was trying to get you to look at him. But you knew what he looked like, he probably had that possessive smile, a smile that knows he has control.

"I'm fine. Please, d-don't call me babe."

In the corner of your eye you saw his eyes widen. You could tell what he was thinking:
"I thought I finally controlled her! Oh no! Gotta keep trying!"

He pecked a kiss upon your head and said;
"Oh ok (y/n), I won't call you anything  you aren't comfortable with!"

He was trying to kill you with kindness, in a manipulative way. Still you believe his words.
But you refuse.

Yes you had your mental outbreaks, and spat out the "L" word. You weren't thinking straight.

You'll find a way out some time. If not some one will find you.

You thought of your (your guardian) came into your head. You remember all the fun times. All the holidays, and the love shared.
You thought of (BF/n) and all your other friends. They were the greatest. You couldn't ask for better friends. You also had amazing teachers in the university you went to. Most everyone loved you, even the people you weren't all the close to you. People cared. Period. So you had hope your (guardian), siblings, family, friends, neighbors, and teaches wouldn't give up on finding you.
You had this hope.
The hope that told you, you will get out.

You aren't going to fight Alfred. He is strong and very intelligent. So fighting him would end up in punishment and less trust, which isn't what you needed in this situation. You won't mess with him, but you won't let him break you. You refuse.

"Hey come on (y/n), let's go get breakfast! We could eat waffles and bacon, or maybe (favorite breakfast food)!"
Alfred jumped off the bed. He was wearing a plain white shirt and a captain America patterned bottoms.

"I don't feel like changing out of my pajamas. Let's stay in them all day, it'll be fun! I don't work today." He let out an obnoxious laugh and look at you for response.

"Sure Alfred. That'd be ok." You replied, knowing if you didn't, he'd get mad.
You needed to respond in a good way too. So you be on his good side rather than bad.

You say up on the bed. Slowly removing the covers. Alfred opened the door, and left it open, knowing you would soon be trailing behind. You heard him muttering things he would probably make for breakfast.

You got up and began walking out door, into the hallway of the large house. Rika rushed over to you, jumping your legs, trying to greet you.

"Hey Rika!" You said softly. You picked up the (type of dog) and carried him in your arms.
You pet his (fur color) coat, as he tries to lick your face.
You walked to a near by window, looking out.
The sun was rising...

"I will get out. I know of it..." You whispered.

"(Y/n)? Come help me dude!"

"Coming." You put Rika down, and headed towards Alfred, your captor.


Authors note:
Reader: Spat out the "L" word
Author: Lesbian?
Reader: No?!
Author: Lesbians?
Reader: ugh, no, love.
Author: Oh.

Hey guys! Ok so let me explain how these next chapters are gonna go.
There's going to be
So the ones that say: {stay}, means the reader is going to stay.
The ones that say {leaving}, means the reader is leaving.
Pretty self explanatory! So there might be a total of of 4-6 endings.
The reason I'm doing this is because I want to please all the peoples requests.



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