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~No ones POV~
(Y/n) has been living with Alfred for 3 months now. She is still not allowed freedom though. Aside from that, Alfred and (y/n) have been on good terms (other than the fact he kidnapped her). (Y/n) is trying hard to be distracted, and Rika is a great example. Rika was the perfect pup. Learning tricks, being adorable, and is easy to train. Rika is the only living thing (y/n) enjoys in captivity momentarily.

Now currently (y/n) is playing with Rika;

~Your POV~
"Rika~ Over here boy!" Rika ran into your arms. You then threw a tennis ball (that Alfred had bought, with several other dog toys) and the (color) puppy went chasing after it.
"Come on Rika! Come on!" You said in a babyish tone.
Rika dropped the ball from his mouth and pounced into your open arms.

Rika... Rika was the warmth you needed. It wasn't human but it was good enough. You were so scared of Alfred. But Rika was a pup, full of energy and love.
But most of all innocence.
He was just sugar, spice, and everything nice.
Plus he was a great companion.

You had curled up on the couch with Rika. You turned on the television and began watching (Fav Tv show). 15 minutes in Rika had snuggled up to your chest, as you repetitively pet him.

You where so distracted, you didn't hear Alfred coming into the room.
"MUAAAH" Someone had given you an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Of course you flinched, and got even more freaked out when you saw it was Alfred. He didn't seem pleased with your reaction but ignored it because you were slowly getting used to it.

It sadly it is true, any time Alfred got all lovey dovey on you, you had stopped resisting. You don't return the affection. You just try to awkwardly escape the situation, because you don't want to make him mad.

'Damn it, I can't submit!' You've been repeating to yourself.
But another voice has been getting louder;
'He's not that bad'
'If you're nice you'll see your family again'
'Maybe you'll love him'

Alfred had sat down carefully next, trying not wake the sleeping pup, who was resting ok you're chest. He reached out to pet Rika a little, which caused him to wake up.

"Damn it Alfred." you whispered.
"Sorry!" He whispered back.

You began to to try to get the Rika back to sleep, you wanted to watch TV, so you couldn't have a hyper puppy running around.
Alfred stared as you got the dog back to sleep.
His bright blue eyes soften, he softly moved over an put his head against your forehead.

"You'd make such a great mom one day (y/n). I'd love a (h/c) haired and blue eyed kid. We could be a family."
The country sweetly said.

"I-I um..."

'CHILDREN, HE WANTS CHILDREN, IS HE IMPLYING  HE WANTS TO....NO. OH GOD WHAT IF HE RAPES YOU?! OH NO, PLEASE NO' you were having a panic attack. You avoided eye contact

Your eyes dilated. You began to hyperventilate, Rika woke up and jumped off of you.
"(Y/N) CALM DOWN?!" Alfred yelled trying to get you to look at him.

No you couldn't stop. You can't leave. You'll never leave. You're stuck. Join or Die.

(Hour time skip cause I do what I want because it's my story)

After an hour you calmed down just a little. But when you finally made eye contact with Alfred. He did not look happy at all.
"(Y/n)... Are you that disgusted by me... That if I even mention kids you freak... DON'T YOU SEE THAT I LOVE YOU AND IM TRYING TO PROTECT YOU?!"
You flinched at his sudden raise in voice, which made him angrier.

"Are you scared (Y/n)? Of me? I'm just trying to keep you safe and sound. Am I a monster to you?" Alfred spat out his words harshly.

You couldn't find the words to reply, you just began to violently shake again.

"I take that as a yes..." He harshly mumbled.

Alfred dragged you to your dark windowless room, threw you in, and locked the door.
All you could do was crawl up in bed.

The voices got stronger.
You got weaker.
At some point you just lost consciousness, and fell asleep.

~Dream Land~

You where in the middle of a field, a dark misty one, like a dream you've had before.
Many monsters suddenly were moving quickly towards you. Again you couldn't seem to move.

Right when the monsters where about to attack and kill you America appeared and hugged you tightly. All the monsters disappeared. You felt so safe, like all your worries disappeared, like how you felt with your parents.
You held onto to Alfred, slowly, the dark mist rose. Sunshine rained on. Alfred kissed you passionately.

"I love you (Y/n)" He said

You wouldn't let go of him, in fear monsters would come back.
"I love you so much too Alfred, never let go."
He held on to you tighter...

What is this?

~Dream Over~


Authors Note: YOOOOOOOO!
First of all my phone keeps correcting Alfred to Adolf and I'm dying.

Second of all, anyone got the "Join or Die" thing (if you're American)

Third of all, the dream was all also from a couple back, but replaces the parent with Alfred.

-H (Author)

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