(CHAPTER 10) You choose your own fate.

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Stock·holm syn·drome
feelings of trust or Affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor...


You wake up on a bed that is not your own. It's not your bed in your apartment, not the bed in your parents house, not the bed from the room you've been captive in.

You scan around a little from the position you were in, to see its Alfred's room. Well you were guessing it was due to the American flag and other historic American items in the room. The patriotic room has also hints of nerdy things as well, like super hero posters. So it was obviously America's room,

'How'd I get here though?'

Before you could get to remembering, you realized someone had their arm around you. They were actually really close. You tilt to your head to see none other than Alfred on the bed with you. Smiling in his sleep, breathing softly.

'He's not wearing his usual glasses?
Wait of course he isn't, who wears glasses to sleep?!
But I've never seen him really without them...
Heh, he looks cute...'

Memories from the moments before you passed out came flooding into your mind.
But it didn't affect you as much as should've.

'I'm with Alfred so I'll be fine, he's keeping me safe...'

Alfred's eyes fluttered open.

"Mornin..." He said in a sweet but sleepy tone.

He brung you closer his chest, and planted a kiss on your head.

You stared into his eyes. Conflicted with what to feel. Multiple voices screaming in your head, stay powerless, submit, or resist and fight back.

Stock·holm syn·drome

Yes or no.

Time to decide...

Authors Note:
Yo, ok I know it's very short but that's because there's gonna be three parts or routes or whatever you want to call it.

•Neutral Ending
•Submission Ending (or happy ending)
•Rebellion Ending (not so happy ending)

Thanks for those who wished me happy birthday, means a lot. I've turned 15 actually.

Thank you to those who have read since the beginning, started reading around middle of making, or to people recently began following. Even to the people who are reading this now when the book is over! You guys are gr8. As the title says, you choose the f8 m8.


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