(CHAPTER 9) Adapting

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Your eyes quickly opened.
'That nightmare...'

The monsters kept flashing before your eyes.
Your body began to shake with fear. Regrets flooded your brain.
"Why didn't I stay with (your parent) longer?"
"Why didn't I do (dream job) instead?"
But also thoughts of
"What is true love?"
"Why did I break up with (Insert Boy)?"
"Why was I so focused on education?"
"I'm so lonely... I want comfort..."
"Is this how Alfred feels?"

"Is this how Alfred feels?"

These thoughts shaking your body to the core, while having flashing of beasts, aren't a good mix.
Breathing was becoming hard.
Vision was becoming kinda blurry.


You felt the world spinning. No, No, No, No, No, NO, NO, NO, NO-

You can't take it!
You screamed at the top of your lungs.
Insanity of being trapped with negativity consumed you.
You broke.
You began kicking things.


Your breathing quickened even more.
You collapsed on the floor, rocking back and forth, holding your knees. You've strained your voice from screaming.
You would occasionally mumbled out "(your parent)..." With your now raspy voice.

You quickly turned your head to the door as you heard quick foot steps rushing towards your door.
"Someone... Alfred..." You cried, but your voice being in bad condition made it sound like a whisper.
The door flew open, there stood Alfred, whose face grew worried when he saw the state you were in. Or maybe the he's in shock in how bad the room is momentarily, after you destroyed it.

"Oh my stripes and stars! (Y/N)!"
Alfred ran right to where you were curled up.
He wrapped his arms around your torso, and began trying to calm you down and pull you from your panic.

You realizing someone was here wrapped your arms around them as well. You held onto him tightly. Crying into their shoulder.

"Alfred..." You whispered.
"It's ok (Y/n) I'm here. I'm here."
"Please don't let the monsters get me.."
"It's ok (Y/n), shhh..."
"T-the monsters, please, ALFRED!"

Your outburst only caused you to bury yourself Into Alfred's shirt even more, and clinging on tighter. He also held you, in a caring manner. He would run his fingers through your hair, and continued to shush you.

"(Y/n), I won't let the monsters get you. Ever. I want to protect you... I'm your hero don't worry..." The American spoke softly.

"R-really?" You said finally calmed down.

Your grip loosened, only a bit. You were still shaking, but less than you were earlier.

'He saved you. He came. He could've just left you, killed you. Maybe he does care...'

"I-I love you Alfred..." You whispered into his T-shirt, which was kinda of wet due you crying.

'Maybe I do love him...'


'She loves me. She said it. She loves me.'
(Y/n) had finally fallen asleep, she had drained out all her energy on the destruction of the room and the emotional breakdown.

I picked her up and took her to my room.
I laid her on my bed and planted a kiss upon her forehead. I then moved to lay beside her.
I played with her (h/l) (h/c) hair a bit. She's absolutely perfect. With the most beautiful (e/c) eyes, soft (s/c) skin, and soft (h/c) hair, I love her so much.

"I love you too (Y/n)"

Her skin was a bit paler, and she had a bit of dark circles under her eyes. This was due to all the time inside in solitude. You could also still see the outline of the dried tears on her cheeks.

'Maybe I was too harsh on her earlier. Like I shouldn't have frighten her with the idea of kids so quick... But maybe also this was the push she needed, to accept things...

Yeah that's it. She loves me, she always have, she's been afraid to say up until now. It's ok now!

If things continue with improvement, she'll get to go outside, see family. Her completion will get better too, she'll be as happy as she was before, but with me. Things are going to plan...

All she needs to now is some adapting!'

(AUTHOR'S NOTE): 12K man, I'm still surprised.

Eyy and my birthday is coming up, how old do you guys think I am?

Thanks for reading! -(H)

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