(CHAPTER 3) You are her

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"Hello" Alfred said so casually.
'How can he be so casual, acting like he didn't break into my apartment. Wait?! Is he gonna rape me?! Oh no I knew this city was too dangerous to Rome all alone! Ok wait I need to cool down, maybe he came normally, maybe my door was open. Maybe he has no manners and just wanted to visit. Wait, I never told him my address, or number, or any information to contact me. BACK TO THEORY ONE, RAPE! Oh god, Wait is he the reason I've been feeling watched. HE IS A STALKER! IM. SO. DUMB. OK OK OK, SO HE IS EITHER GONNA RAPE OR KILL ME. OH GOD NO I NEED MY MOM, OR PUPPY, OR A KITTEN (Author: I need a catbug) TO HUG RIGHT NOW!'
You where pulled out of your million of conspiracy theories and idea jumbo when you heard him chuckle.
"You haven't changed one bit, always thinking, dreaming, coming up with theories. You're so silly."

'WHAT' you thought.

"EXCUSE YOU! YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE, IM UTTERLY SHOCKED NOT THINKING OF IDEAS?! (Author: Why you always lying) NOW LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" You said with the most aggressive voice.

"W-wait let me explain dude!"
Alfred stuttered.
'Ahaha that's cute he stuttered- WAIT NO HE IS EVIL NOT CUTE' your thoughts again.

"UM NO-"

"Please (y/n), just hear me out on what I'm going to say. Then I'll leave you be, I just want you too listen." He looked like he was about to cry

"Fine..." You mumbled

"Ok sit down cause it's a long story."

~No ones POV~

Alfred then proceeded to tell the started to tell the story of how he was a country and his love story.

(Y/n) believed he was a country, because her parents had told her once on a trip to France, and they met the actual France! They even have a picture with him. So (y/n) always knew/believed in the countries, But the rest she felt was stupid. Don't get her wrong, she thought the story was sad, and felt extremely bad for him, the stupid part is where he thinks she is her.

She studying psychology, so she believes he is seeing similarities in her and (y/n) Marie whatever. (Y/n) believes that he doesn't love her, he just isn't over the other (y/n).

What (y/n) doesn't know is Alfred loves (y/n), he is over obsessed with her. He is Yandere.

After 25 minutes or so, Alfred was done speaking. But 75% of the words he spoke, (y/n) didn't care about. She wanted him to leave.


Silence. Alfred and I just stared at each other. Alfred's expression looking like a desperate puppy, and my expression as cold as ice.
He had finished speaking about two minutes ago. I honestly want to kick him out of my house. He has no manners, so why shouldnt I?

'This all complete bullshit, he needs to leave my house.'
"That was a nice story but you seriously need to leave cause I'm gonna call the cops." You said as monotone as possible.


"Alfred or America, whatever, I believe your story, except the part where I'm her. I mean any other girl would swoon for this but not me. So you need to leave, NOW!"

You got up from the chair you where sitting in, grabbed the phone, and pointed at the story, while giving him the deadliest glare.

~America POV~

'No no no no, she needs to understand, I love her. I need her, now, to myself!'

She is her
She is her
She is her.

"First of all (Y/n), you can't call the cops on me, you can't get me arrested, I'm a country."

I yanked the phone from her and threw it on the floor and stomped on it. I broke in to pieces

"W-wai-" She was struggling on what to say, getting lost in thought trying her best to assert control in this situation. But she can't, I'm in control now.

"I wanted to do this the easy way.
But you left me no other choice with that attitude of yours."

My expression was now cold, and hers was filled with fear.
She trembled in her place, slowly moving towards the door. I stepped towards her, it was like a predator going for his prey.

'She is so cute! Like a little baby kitten!' I giggled internally.

I pulled out a white cloth.
I grabbed her by the arm tightly.


I hit him and kicked him, but his grip on my arm wouldn't loosen.


Then I saw a white cloth in his other hand...
He stayed silent.

He then pin me to the floor, and covered my mouth with the white cloth.

'Don't breath, Don't breath, Don't breath!' I kept repeating to myself. Tears began to fall down my face.

Alfred's face then changed back into a warm expression.
"Just breath so you can take a lil nap, baby."

You couldn't anymore, you had to breath. And when you did, you felt extremely sleepy.

"Good girl." Alfred said and then kissed you on the forehead.

'No...' You thought....

You faded to black, and the last thing you heard was
You are her.....

Warning: Future chapters will contain subjects some may view as offensive or too dark for their liking. You've been warned.

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