{stay} Rebellious Ending

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WARNING: This chapter may have content that is very extreme and dark. If you are sensitive to those subjects I recommend you do not read this chapter or the next one. The Rebellious Endings are going to be a bit fucked up.


'No, I won't allow this.
I won't bend to his will!'
It was as if all the determination you had from before all this came rushing back into your bones. But instead of fear, there was anger, pure anger.

"So (y/n) you want some br-"

With a sudden moment you had kicked him right off his bed and went rushing out the room.

You've been in this house for a year, you knew the rooms. Alfred didn't keep much locked after trusting you a bit. you were smart enough to know how to unlock things, from his tablet, were he could control all his locks.

"Why haven't I tried all this before?! Cause fear? Fear is bull." You chuckled.

Tablet was lying in the kitchen. He knew you wouldn't touch it before. But again that was before. It's the present now. You took the tablet and began trying to figure out how to unlock the front door. There was a little key hanger, and you grabbed every key possible, just in case there was a car.

You heard America scream.

Bam! You opened the front door! On the tablet you locked the front door, so it'd only be able to open it from the outside.

You went running into the open.

10 seconds. That's all you needed
A second to inhale the air,
A second to exhale.
A second to look at the plants and greens around.
A second to look at the sky.
One moment to enjoy before the adrenaline kicked in again.

And back to reality.
Car car car.
There was a black car parked in the driveway.

With the multiple keys, you tried to figure out which belonged to the car. Your fingers fumbled on all of it and some fell to the floor.

Then you heard

"(Y/n), get your ass back here or I swear on the god damn constitution!"

He sounded pissed (but really 'constitution'?).

There was no time for getting the car. You let go of all the keys and looked around.

You saw a neighboring house in the distance.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!"

"GOTTA BLAST!" You muttered as you went speeding towards the house in the distance.

As you were nearing the slightly smaller house you heard something large break back at the Alfred's.

"Shit fuck."

"(Y/n)..." He was out of the house. "Come back now, right now, and nothing bad will happen. No punishment or anything."

The offer was tempting. But no you can't give up now!

"Fine (Y/n), you wanna play that way?! Ok fine then, another dumb game. That you will lose."

The house was so close you could touch it! You ran onto the garden of their house, too much in hurry to care about your surroundings.

"HELP ME!!!" You began banging on the front door.

"HELP ME! I WAS KIDNAPPED! I DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!" You yelled straining your voice.

"HELP!!! HELP ME!!!" Tears began streaming down your face.

You went to the door knob. It opened without an issue. You went running inside, it was much smaller compared to Americas house, and by the pictures and looks of everything, it belongs to a small family. One kid?

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