(CHAPTER 4) Welcome Home

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~Y/n POV~

You where starting to wake up. You had a slight headache. You tried to open your eyes but they felt so heavy.

You felt like you where on a soft bed. It was way more comfy than the one you had in your apartment. The smell in the air was like (Insert favorite scent here).

You felt someone stroking your hair, which was
Like how mom used to do when you had a fever/cold/headache. You've given up on opening your eyes, you where so comfy and sleepy to do so. The stroking stopped and you made a small grunt, you didn't want it to stop.

The owner of the hand noticed that and then continued to stroke your hair. Someone also kissed your temple.
"mommy..." You whispered, it was the only thing you could manage to do before falling asleep.

In dream land:

You where in the middle of a field.
A bunch of monsters where running towards you. You couldn't seem to move. These monsters where letting out the most horrific of screams.

Right when the monsters where about to hurt you your (mom or dad) came and hugged you tightly. All the monsters disappeared. You felt so safe, like all your worries disappeared.
You held onto to (mom or dad) and didn't let go.

~Americas POV~
"Mommy..." She whispered.
She was now asleep.
'Though when she wakes up it's going to be hard to get her to adjust to her living with me. It doesn't help that she's so stubborn. I'll make understand that I love her'
Mentally highfive myself for being smart.
I carefully got up, not wanting to wake her up. I tucked her in the blanket and left the room. Locking it of course.
We are currently living in a nice big house. There are houses around us, family with one kid on the left, elderly couple on the right. The houses are not very close to eachother though.
Both of the families love me. Since I am a country, and they are very patriotic. I cant wait to introduce them to (y/n)! Well once she well trained.

But of course I've made my house a bit more secure since (y/n) came.
Her room having no windows, and the door can only be locked from the outside. Sound/Bullet proof Windows, that are also locked. Every other door is a finger print scanner to open, which only opens to mine. And of course, security cameras everywhere. No one found this suspicious, most just thought "hey he's a country so he could killed easily, so he needs to protection etc"

But the house is very nice, 5 rooms, a movie room, 4 bathrooms, large kitchen, large living room, big backyard and pool, Garage, dining room, and a fairly nice attic and basement.
This is the house Alfred bought it after you-know-whos death, but he has several houses all over the country.

(Y/n) was currently in one of the 5 rooms.
The area?
The house was in California!
Everyone is on lookout for (y/n) in New York.

Now you may be thinking,
"Everyone gets caught, you can't have a family and get married and keep it all secret and blah blah blah blah"
But once I've well trained (y/n)
We will have a story for when she comes back into the public of why she was missing.

So here's my plot line;
(Y/n) was rescued by me,
I'll take her to the police.
She will tell them that she was kidnapped by {insert person you hate here}.
America of course is her hero.
The family of (y/n) thanks him, and (y/n) and him go to live in California, get married and have kids.
'I'm a genius' I patted myself on the back.

I walked out of the house and jumped into my car.
Why? I'm going to get McDonald's for (y/n) and I. She'll wake up by the time I get back.

Time skiiiiiip

~Y/n POV~
You snapped my eyes open.
"Where am I" I mumbled out with a raspy voice. I needed some water. I looked around, confused by what's happening.
'This is not my room'
That's when the events played back in your head.
Now you are scared, oh god!!!!
You look at the surroundings. It was actually an nice room.
(F/c) walls and a white bed. It was well lit and all the furniture was sorta like your dream room.
As you mentally scolded yourself. Someone opened the door.

"Welcome home"
He said.

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