Chapter 3: Not What It Seems

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The Pines family was out that night except for Dipper and Mabel. A movie was playing on the UTBAHC, so Dipper invited Pacifica over while Mabel was finishing her calculus homework.
"Thanks for inviting me." Pacifica smiled.
"Yeah, no problem." He said.
"So what time is this movie over?" She asked.
"Uh, 6:45 I think." Dipper said.
"Great, do you wanna go to the docks afterwords." Pacifica asked enthusiastically.
"Sure, sounds great." They both sat down to watch the movie.
Ah hour went by and the movie was half way done.
"I'm gonna go get some more popcorn." Dipper got up.
"K." Pacifica said.
Dipper put the popcorn bag into the microwave. He got it out 2 minutes later and put it into the bowl. He walked into the family room but Pacifica wasn't on the couch.
Must be in the bathroom. He told himself as he sat down and began munching on the popcorn.
15 minutes went by and Pacifica still wasn't back. Dipper began to wonder where she was. He ran up to his and Mabel's room to see if she was talking to her but, to his surprise, Mabel wasn't even up there. He ran back downstairs but quickly walked back when he saw the secret passage within the vending machine wide open. He went down the stairs of the secret passage, hearing strange noises on the way down.
As he reached the bottom of the lab, he noticed that the viewpoint was covered up with a tarp. He ripped the tarp off to see Pacifica rebuilding the portal that Ford dismantled years ago. He ran into the room. More focused on the success of finding Pacifica, he entered the room without much thought as to what was going on.
"Oh there you are, I... what are you doing?" Dipper stuttered.
Pacifica just glared.
"Y-you okay, and what are you doing?"
"No, no I'm fine, never been better." She grinned. She slowly blinked her eyes, revealing horizontal snake-like eyes with a yellow outline.
"Pacifica what the... YOU!" Dipper glared.
"Bwah ha ha ha ha! You couldn't be dumber kid." Pacifica said.
"Bill... you said you'd be outta here, for good!"
"Well kid, I said I'd grab somn before I'd go. Well I chose my prize." Pacifica, being controlled by the triangle demon himself: Bill Cypher, snapped her fingers. Mabel was trapped to a chair and her mouth metaphysically sealed shut.
"Mabel! You sick demon. Leave Mabel alone and get out of Pacifica's body! NOW!" Dipper screamed.
"Change of plans kid." Pacifica darted at Dipper and twisted his arm. Dipper got out of the lock and tripped Pacifica. He held her left shoulder with one and had a fist in the air.
"Ha, ha, I'm begining to like this one. You're defenseless around her."
"You, you, you monster, evilness!" Dipper clutched his fist harder.
"Thank you. Face it kid, I'm infinitely more powerful than you and I have the two things that make you nothing and me only more powerful around you, pinetree." She kicked Dipper off of her in the stomach. Dipper clutched his lower body.
A huge white light came from within Pacifica and blinded Dipper. All he could here was the demonic laughing of the dream demon followed by utter silence.
He woke up in the same room the portal was in. Pacifica laid on the floor, unconscious.
Ford and Stan rushed down to the lab.
"Dipper what happened?!" Ford rushed to aid him.
"Mabel's... gone."

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