Chapter 23: Don't Die

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"I got it back up but I can't keep it open for much longer!" Ford said as the reignited portal in front of them flickered.
"Come on buddy." Trey urged.
"What's that?" Pacifica saw a shadow of a figure from the portal.
"Somethings coming through." Ford exclaimed.
Dippers unconscious body fell from the portal to the ground.
"Dipper!" Pacifica screamed. She ran over and lifted his head on her lap.
The portal collapsed for the last time. Ford let out a sigh, almost as if the strain of keeping it open was physically affecting him. He and Trey ran out from behind the protective control room to check out the scene.
Dipper coughed and became vaguely awake.
"Wha...Pacifica," He remembered. "Di..did we win?"
"Yes, you beat him, you saved Mabel Dipper." She said with tears in her eyes. Dipper felt strange knowing that wasn't the extent of Bill's actual plan, but was content simply hearing Pacifica's voice.
"Ha...good." Dipper spoke softly. He fell unconscious again, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Pacifica noticed Dipper's wound and gasped in tears as she looked at her bloodied hand.
"He's losing too much blood!" Ford said.
"We need to get him to a hospital, now!" Trey added.
The two took Dipper's lifeless body from Pacifica, still frozen with uncertainty.
Please...please don't leave me Dipper. Please.

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