Chapter 25: Battle Scares

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Trey and Pacifica walked in. Pacifica was bracing for what she might see. Dipper was sitting up on his gurney. He had small pipes pumping blood and other fluids back into his upper arms. He had a clothe over the his wound that kept the blood clotted as tightly as possible. He looked over to see Trey and Pacifica.
"Oh, cough, cough. Hey guys." He said. Pacifica ran and hugged him bawling into his chest. Trey stood on the side of his bed.
"I... was... s-so worried. We thought you might not make it." She sobbed. Dipper hugged her back.
"I'm not going anywhere." He said.
"Nice to see you back in the land of the living." Trey joked.
"Yeah. Well... cough cough" Dipper began to hack. His heart rate jumped. Doctors began to rush into the room. The two were eventually forced out. They waited for two more hours on that same bench in the waiting room more stressed then before.
The same doctor they had met prior came into the room with a clipboard.
"How is he?" Trey stood up.
"We'll  it appears Mr. Pines was elegiac to one of the drugs we used to treat his wound." He said.
"Will this effect the surgery?" Pacifica asked franticly.
"It shouldn't. But we are moving the operation to right now. He's in the best of hands now. Just remember visiting hours end at 9pm, so make sure you kids get home." The doctor said before thanking them and joining the commotion.
Trey looked at his watch. It read 8:46.
"We should get out of here." Trey suggested. He looked at Pacifica who looked like she didn't want to move.
"Hey, he'll be alright. Like they said he's in the best of hands." Trey comforted.
Pacifica said nothing as she began wiping away tears from her red eyes.

Missing in Action ~ A Dipcifica Fanfiction (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now