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Hello Dipcifica fans. here.
Thanks so much for supporting me thoughout this Missing In Action story. So after much I'm put from my supporters I have decided to not stop here. I'm going to release more Books starting with The 4th installment to the Coming Back Again Series, Seniors. Starring Dipper and Pacifica in their adventures through the end of their highschool lives. Please keep an eye out for that one plus another non- dipcifica story I'll be making called Fishy. Starring a 15 year old kid, James, who's left to drown but is rescued by a mermaid. Because of the strick undersea law, either they both must die, or be married. Follow their adventures and keep an eye out for that one as well.
The Prologue for both of these stories will be released on Friday, March 11. So please support them both.
Thanks a lot.

Missing in Action ~ A Dipcifica Fanfiction (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now