Chapter 10: Movie

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Dipper didn't know why or how his best friend and girlfriend could talk him into this but they did. He found himself waiting outside for the two of them right before the movie started.
He looked up at the Gravity Falls Theater sign.
Right where it all began. He smiled at the thought.
A few minutes later, Dipper saw Trey's car with Pacifica in the passenger seat.
"Hey guys what took you so long?"
"Um, traffic." Pacifica lied.
"Yeah hey, can I talk t-" Pacifica elbowed Trey before he got a chance to finish. "Never mind." He concluded.
"O-okay" Dipper raised an eyebrow as Trey crossed his arms.
Trying to break the tension, Pacifica leaped up, "Let's go in, we're going to miss the movie!" She exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. They all headed into the theater. Trey handed the cashier all three tickets and they went into the screening room with their movie playing on it. They had just released the new Grandpa the Kid movie that looked to Dipper like a spoof but he figured it was worth seeing. They got in and sat down just as the previews ended.
Dipper and Pacifica we're stuffing themselves with popcorn while the climax gained action.
"Where's Trey?" Pacifica whispered, noticing he was gone.
"Probably in the bathroom," Dipper started, later realizing that he had been missing for a while. "I'll go look for him." He got up and left the room.
Dipper wondered the empty halls of the theater when suddenly, someone grabbed him and pulled him into a corner.
"Dipper! Its me." Trey confirmed.
Dipper relaxed. "What's the big idea?" He shouted in a loud whisper.
"Listen I need to tell you something, I didn't out there cuz she was here." Trey started.
"What do you mean?" Dipper did not comply.
"Pacifica, she told me everything."

Shout out to probably my biggest supporters.
Thanks guys so much, make sure to check out some of their stuff.

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