Chapter 18: Reverse Falls

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They trio, Dipper Pacifica, and Trey, walked out of the tear in space and time. The place they had traveled to was almost looked identical to their own dimension. They were in the living room of what they recalled as a version of the Mystery Shack.
"Is this really a different dimension? It looks like ours." Trey said in disbelief.
"BWA ha ha ha ha ha. Your right! This isn't your world. It's mine!" An echoing voice of great volume stated.
"Bill." Dipper said with disgust.
"We defeated you!" Pacifica protested.
"Too bad blondie, all you did was banish me to my own realm. Boohoo. Now you play by my rules!" Bill snapped his fingers. Mabel appeared, tied up in a chair and unconscious. The three appeared in shock.
"You monster!" Dipper said.
"Why thank you I--- ahh! My eye!" Dipper shot bill in the eye with the gun Quantum Destabilizer.
"Go now!" Dipper demanded.
"Right!" Trey and Pacifica untied Mabel as quickly as they could. She was wearing the same outfit as she did the day she had been taken, but it didn't look like the effects of being kept for a month had set in. In fact it looked as though she may have been kept in a frozen state of time for all they knew.
After untying Mabel, the three ran back toward the tear they had come in. They appeared in the underground lab with Ford.
"We got her back!" Trey rejoiced. Mabel's groggy words were muffled by the gag over her mouth.
"Wait!" Pacifica worried.
"What is it?" Ford asked.
"Where's Dipper?"

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