Chapter 11: Suspense

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Dipper rushed into the theater with Trey not far behind.
"You told him!" Dipper whispered loudly.
"I—," Pacifica stuttered.
"Don't play dumb with me; did you, or did you not tell Trey directly?" Dipper's stress had built up to such an extent that he was unable not to aim it at Pacifica. He found himself yelling at her for something she did for his own benefit. His expression worsened. His hands curled into a fist and — he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was a tighter grip but sent a shock through Dipper's entire body. He froze only to look behind and see Trey standing there with his 'cool it' face. Dippers anger was replaced with emptiness and sorrow. He was holding the arm of the last chair in his row of chairs a few yards away from the giant cinema still playing. His grip tightened. He looked at Pacifica who he didn't know if she was frightening or upset, or quite possibly both.
What have I done. She didn't do anything to deserve this. I... I...
Tears began to slowly make their way down Dipper's cheek. Pacifica stood up, which had nothing to do with anything but still made him cry harder. With his own will, he collapsed on Pacificas sholder.
"I-I'm sorry." He said in tears.
Pacifica wrapped her arm around him. And kissed his forehead.
He repeated faintly.
"I'm sorry."

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