Chapter 27: Welcome Back

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It was Dipper, standing on Pacifica's front porch. He had crutches and was bandaged all over but that didn't stop Pacifica from running and hugging him in tears. Dipper patted her head but lost his grip on the crutch. He fell back and Pacifica fell on top of him. Dipper looked up and chucked at Pacifica.
"Hey." Dipper said.
"Hey." She smiled through her tears.
They both kissed.
"Uh, I'm so sorry but I take it we can leave now." The paramedic that drove the ambulance to drop off Dipper apologized.
"Oh, ha, ha. Yes I'll take care of everything." Pacifica was embarrassed.
The ambulance left.
"It seems I get hurt too much these days." Dipper teased.
Pacifica got up. "Yeah tell me about it. Oh, I'm sorry for knocking you down, hah." She helped him up.
"Yeah that's fine. Better than being shot."
"Well you wanna come in for some breakfast?"
"Sure. thanks." He said. They both walked inside.
"Wow, the uh, pink on the walls is a lot more, what's the word, blindingly sparkly than the last time I was here." Dipper pointed out.
"Oh yeah, I'm having it redone do you like it?"
"I dunno, I think I'm going blind by the unsettling development of pink and sparkles." He teased.
Pacifica gave him a light punch on the shoulder.
"So how long are you on the crutched?" Pacifica asked.
"'Till the end of summer. Sucks right."
"Yeah but something I get to look forward to." Pacifica grinned.
"Well because I get to take care of you then."
"You're not going to baby me or anything right?" Dipper asked bracing for the worst possible answer.
"Probably." She replied.
"I have no choice do I?"
"Nope." Pacifica joked.
They both laughed.
That night Dipper stayed over at Pacifica's house.
Dipper fell asleep on the couch in the family room. Pacifica was watching TV but crashed at the foot of the couch on the floor.
Dipper was awoken by the sound of sniffles. He saw Pacifica and tapped her.
"Hey Pacifica, wake up."
"Whaaa, where am I?" She was groggy and moaned.
"Hey you're going to catch a cold. Why don't you go upstairs or at least get off the floor."
"I'd rather just crawl up there with you." She said half asleep.
"Pacifica you're sleeping just...."
"Please?" She spoke like a 2 year old.
"Ugh fine." Dipper unwillingly agreed. He held his blacked up so Pacifica could crawl in. She got on the couch and crashed. Her right arm was on Dipper's chest while the other dangled off the couch.
She looks so peaceful and innocent like that. He thought to himself.
He fell asleep with both arms behind his head.

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