Chapter 22: The Unthinkable

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Dipper began to cough up blood.
"Hurts doesn't it?" Bill laughed.
"I won't... let... you hurt her!" Dipper said as blood came from his shirt.
"Oh please blondie as well as everyone else in your pathetic world is as good as my toy already pine tree. Man, it's been too long since I've played around if you know what I mean. Aha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Bill laughed.
"YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!" Dipper shouted!
"Whoa easy kid. Don't need to complain about the future. Am I right. And how exactly are you going to kill me. I mean it's not like you can stand up." Bill provoked.
"I'll... kill.... you..." He repeated. "I'm sorry Pacifica." Dipper cried.
"Awe. Now tell your uncle of yours to release that portal so I can get in." Bill commanded.
Dipper fell silent. Bill turned.
"Fine I can wait. It's your life your wasting."
Dipper looked beside him and couldn't believe his eyes. It was the Quantum Destabilizer that could take out Bill, at least he hoped it could. He tried to reach out and touch it but he couldn't. His hand was numb from the blood poring from his chest. He laid back.
I'm sorry Mabel, Trey, Ford, Stan, I thought I could save the world but I can't... I'm sorry Pacifica, I cant! He thought in regret.
He couldn't stop! Not once he couldn't stop fighting.


The shuttle landed and the wheels hit the long missed earth. The crew stepped out, struggling at first but regaining there balance as they stepped out. A huge crowd was cheering for them, mostly unaware that they had just saved the planet.
Pacifica *naturally* waved and blew kisses at the crowd. Mabel jumped in excitement and interviewers surrounded them.
"So how was the flight?"
"Here you are ladies and gentlemen, another example of how Oregon is revolutionizing commercial space travel..."
"Sources say they were hit by an asteroid..."
One by one they all answered and broke free from the crowd. Dipper caught up to Pacifica and poked her on her shoulder.
"I've been waiting for this chance." They both leaned in and kissed each other. The crowd roared with cheer. So did Mabel equally as loud. As the crowd followed, the four walked on the run way into the sunset, like the hero's they were.

It was dark, the only light was the shimmering hospital windows. Pacifica was sitting on the bench next to the entrance. The automatic door opened to reveal reveal an figure. He was wearing a sweat shirt with his hands in his pocket. Pacifica, noticing him, stood up. It was Dipper. His attention was drawn to Pacifica. He walked over and sat down beside her. Pacifica teared up and hugged him tightly.
"Hey." She said
"Hey." Dipper replied.

He couldn't let it all end like this. Dipper couldn't. With every ounce of strength he had left, he grabbed the gun. He struggled to stand up and aim it at the unsuspecting triangle.
"HEY BILL!" He shouted.
Bill turned.
"No, impossible!"
"Go back to hell Cipher!" Dipper shot bill.
"What no. This can't be happening. I cant die, how? Noooo!" Bill disintegrated in a massive ball of light.
"Finally, I beat him for the last time. It all over." Dipper smirked at himself. Then collapsed.

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