Chapter 13: Camping

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"Stan! What are you doing with that horrible thing?" Dipper asked with anger, but mostly sarcasm.
"You mean c..." Stan started.
"No don't say it!"
"Camping brochure."
Stan threw Dipper a dumb look.
"Seriously though, what are you doing this camping junk now, kinda not the best time." Dipper added.
"Well I was thinking maybe you, the blondie and that Trey friend o' yours could, you know, go camping and relax for a weekend."
"Fine.." I took the brochure." I'll see what they think, but don't get mad if no one wants to go." Dipper pulled out his cell phone.
Everyone was eager  to go, unluckily for Dipper. Before long, the weekend had come for the trio all to go camping.
It happened so fast... Dipper found himself at the front seat of Stan's old motorhome driving into the campgrounds.
"Yay! I can't wait to get there." A fanatic Pacifica screamed behind Dipper and Trey. Trey seemed equally content on going as well. After arriving, they began the long haul of getting everything set up. By the time they were finished, the sun had starter to set. Dipper found himself trying to pull open the old awning that hung off the side of the RV.
"Hey, anything else you need?" Pacifica asked Dipper.
"Uh, could you help Trey get some firewood, I'm planing on building a fire as soon as the sun goes down."
"'Okay." She skipped off to help Trey, who was already starting to collect a small bundle.
The sun went down and the three around the campfire talking to one another. For the sake of keeping Trey's knowledge of the situation as limited as possible, as well as to control his own stress, Dipper and Pacifica made a conscious effort to avoid being Mabel up in conversation, pretty much saying anything else that popped into their heads.
"It's getting kinda late, I think I'll call it a night." Trey said.
"Yeah me too." Pacifica agreed.
"Cool I'll stay out here for a few and put out the fire." Dipper added.
Dipper folded his hands as he fell deep in thought.
What if Mabel can't come back. Is it really risking another catastrophe? Does it run the risk of freeing Bill. Ugh my hairs gonna turn grey with this! I've got to find Mabel no matter the cost.
Dipper put out the fire and went into the camper trying to find a place to sleep. Trey had taken the bed on top of the driver section and Pacifica had crashed on the floor. Dipper chuckled. He put a blanked over Pacifica and folded down the dining set to make a bed. He grabbed a pillow and blanket and falling right to sleep as soon as he got on the makeshift bed.

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