Chapter 15: Saturdays

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"So hang on, then she crawled into your bed after mistaking for her's?" Trey walked with Dipper.
"Exactly. So now do you understand. We weren't... you know." Dipper replied.
"Totally, but it might not help that I saw Wendy and may or may not have told her." Trey stalled.
"What!" Dippers life flashed before his eyes.
This is the end. He thought to himself.
"Hey you!" A voice called from afar.
"See ya!" Trey started to run.
"Wait stop you get back here you bast...umf." Dipper was thrown on the ground
"Hey watch it, what are you.."
"Wow are really that kind of person!" The attackers voice said in discuss.
"Crap. Wendy. This was all a big misunderstanding." Dipper tried to protest but Wendy wouldn't listen.
Pacifica and Trey came running from the RV a couple lots down from the path.
"Good, tell her to... ugh." Wendy put more weight on Dipper while he was trying to reason.
"Paz, did this dipwad here do anything weird." Wendy questioned.
Pacifica had gloves and a hand shovel from digging another fire pit for tonight.
"What no; it was all a big misunderstanding. Trey -over here- is full of it." She said
Trey put his hand on the back of his head trying to look as cool as possible. Dipper grunted at him.
Wendy smiled.
"Oh, sorry man! Ha, you alright?" Wendy helped Dipper up to his feet with one hand.
"Oh yeah, never been better," He answered sarcasticly. "Hey Pacifica can I borrow your shovel."
She threw it to him.
"Sure what for?" She asked.
"Oh I just need to reimburse someone special." He smerked with an evil grin. He held the shovel like it was a knife in a first person shooter game. His sights turned to Trey who swallowed his breath in fear.
"Crap!" Trey started running as fast as he could.
Dipper took off after him. "Get back here! I cut you limb from limb when I get my hands on you!"
Wendy and Pacifica started to laugh.
"Dorks" Pacifica joked.
"True that." Wendy cheerfully agreed.
"True that."

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