Chapter 28: Couch

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The next morning a car pulled up to the mansion. It was Trey who had heard Dipper had gotten released from the hospital. He went to ring the door bell but no one answered. It was Sunday so the butlers and maids had the day off.
Hmm, no one's home? He thought.
He tried the door nob and it had been left unlocked. He cracked it open.
He opened it the full way when there was no response.
"Hey, I'm coming in." He closed the door and took off his jacket and shoes.
The TV was on to Trey's surprise. He went closer to the family room passing the grand hall, the kitchen, and offices.
"And here's Martha with the weather-" Trey grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.
Can that Princess do anything herself? He thought.
He came around the couch to put the remote on the table when he tripped. He looked back to see what it was and it was a pair of crutches. He looked in front of him to see Dipper and Pacifica rolled up together on the floor. Dipper was stretched out wearing his orange t shirt and sweat pants. Pacifica was curled up on Dipper's chest with a pink tank-top with one of the straps quarter way down her arm. The blanket was underneath them like they rolled off the couch.
What the heck have they been doing? Trey asked himself. At that Dipper woke up. He showed a look of surprise when he saw Trey but then he noticed Trey was staring at Pacifica who's entire body was rolled into Dippers head and chest. She had one hand involuntarily grasping Dipper's shirt and one with her thumb nail close to her lips.
"Dang Dipper she just can't get enough of you." Trey quietly teased.
Dipper quietly laughed.
"I'll go start making breakfast, you... you take care of that." Trey walked away.
Dipper laughed than looked at Pacifica laying on top of him.
She looks so innocent and cute. She's independent but sometimes she need people to depend on the most. He thought to himself.
"Hey." Dipper poked her. "Time to get up."
Pacifica blinked her eyes and smiled at the sight of Dipper. She buried her head deeper into his chest.
"I wanna sleep forever. Ughhh." Pacifica said rubbing her eyes.
"Well yeah maybe you do, but I can't necessarily get up with you on top of me." Dipper teased but said truly.
"Oh I'm sorry here let me..." She stopped, then frowned.
"What's wrong." Dipper asked.
Pacifica fell back on top of him. She held him as tight as she could.
"Pacifica what's wr..."
"Dipper please. Dipper I don't want to leave you. I don't want you to go." She pleaded.
"Pacifica, I'm right here I'm not going anywhere. Please I..."
"No! That's what you said last time and the time before that. I've lost you now three times... I don't want to lose you again. So... so please..." Pacifica noticed she was hurting Dipper. He was trying to hold in the pain but she could tell. She let go and got up.
"I'm sorry, I'll, I'll just get a shower or something." She ran out of the room.
"Pacifica wait..." He couldn't get up. Trey walked in.
"That girl is unpredictable. She's happy one minute and then the other it's gone to.."
"Why is she like this." Dipper asked.
"Dude, shes gone through the same thing over and over again. She's like a little girl. You put youself in another life or death situation, she's going to have a heart attack." Trey exclaimed. "She's had a crush on you since you where 13 and she was about to tell you then but you left her."
"What how do you know anything about our childhood?" Dipper asked in a dark manor.
"She told me." Dippers eyes widened. "You know how long it takes to get surgery done? Let's just say she's spilled a lot." Trey explained.
"I didn't even know she felt that way back then."
"Remember that party back then, the one where you helped her with her ghost problem? God can you believe that would've shocked me a week ago. Anyway, you changed her life, you did. She's been infatuated with you ever since." Trey said.
"I'll go up there and talk to her." Dipper said.
Because I feel the same way.

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