Chapter 17: Plan

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Sunday morning came quicker than anticipated for Dipper. The three, after heading to the Shack quickly began to run to Fords secret lab. The portal was in its preparation stages while Ford typed away on an old Mac Computer.
"Good your here." Ford greeted before noticing Trey, who wore a confused look.
"Are you telling me that there's been a lab here this entire time?"
Dipper nodded.
"And all that nonsense Pacifica said about your sister being kidnapped by some triangle demon, that's all true?" He asked.
Dipper hung his head in annoyance as Trey pounder what he actually believed about the world around him.
"So if that's the case, where exactly are we going?" Trey asked. Ford gave Dipper an odd look.
"Uh... they wanted to come with me to rescue Mabel." He remarked.
"Yeah we can't watch and not help. She's our friend too." Pacifica agreed. Trey maintained his determination but hesitated not know what he was getting himself into.
"Fine. But you don't know the danger you're getting yourselves into." Ford protested.
"They're well aware. Now let's get this started the sooner we can find Mabel the better." Dipper encouraged.
"Right you are Dipper." Ford agreed. He pushed some buttons on his old Mac and the center of the portal began to rapidly spark until its center hosted an orb of glowing blue.
"Luckily you're sister wasn't hard to find once I got the right dimension. I've taken the liberty to set the coordinates to drop you around where her last known location was." He added as he passed out radios.
"Use these to contact me and/or each other."
"Got it." They said almost on unison.
"Let's move!" Dipper encouraged. One by one Trey and Pacifica jumped into the portal.
"Wait Dipper." Ford said.
Dipper stopped and looked back.
Ford presented him with a large black case he held by the handle. Ford opened the case and showed its contents to Dipper.
"The Quantum Destabilizer. A shame we couldn't use it the last time Bill threatened our world, but you'll need this if you run into him again.
Dipper took the massive rifle, finding the trigger and placing his finger next to it.
"Also take this, it may serve as a good sidearm." Ford handed him a strange and science-fiction-looking device. However, it bared the universal shape of a pistol.
"It's my laser canon from the other side. It may come in hand, besides Bill, who knows what you'll find in there." He tossed him the gun.
Dipper stuffed it in his jeans pocket.
"Good luck my boy."
"Right." He said before leaping into the unknown himself.

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