Chapter 14: Face Palm

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Dipper woke up. He looked at his watch, 7:02.
I'll sleep a little more. He reached for the other end of the blanket but whatever he felt wasn't the covers. The was a brief groan which made Dipper's heart skip a beat.
W-w-what's... who's that? Is someone in bed with me?
Dipper was afraid to look the opposite direction. He freaked out we he saw a lock of blond hair brush his forehead.
That's not mine... Pacifica. Am I in bed with Pacifica, wait is this my bed. It was his bed. What's Pacifica doing in my bed? He asked himself.
He tried to tap Pacifica to get her to wake up, but as soon as he made contact with her shoulder, she involuntarily put her arm in his face and locked his legs up with hers.
Oh crap! What did I do to deserve this. Why?!
The door fung open. Trey walked in and his gaze came to Dipper and Pacifica. Pacifica moaned and woke up. Unaware of her surroundings at the moment.
"I'll, be going now." Trey steppes out of the camper.
Pacifica came to. "Wha... Dipper...?" Her eyes widened. "Why the heck are you in my bed!" She questioned.
"What! No! This is my bed! Why are you in my bed?" Dipper protested.
She froze. Dipper chuckled but held it in.
"What's so funny?" She asked concerned but still mad.
"I don't know." Dipper replied.
"Well how did you climb in here?" He asked.
"Um? I don't know? I mean the only time I was up was to get a drink and then I sat down and crawled back into bed." She said.
"Weren't you on the floor though?"
"Ooh.. Don't blame me I was tired and it was unreasonably dark." She pouted.
Dipper laid down. "Yeah, you know maybe I did need a little of a break." He said.
"You call sleeping with your girlfriend 'a break'" Pacifica joked.
"Hah, no. Like you know with all the stuff going on I just..."
Pacifica laid on his shoulder.
"Hey, whatever happens, me and Trey always have your back." She comforted him.
"Thanks. Hey should we go stop Trey before her starts talking to people about you know..." Dipper pointed out.
"Probably." They both laughed.

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