525 20 5

Song: ......Do I even have to say? ^^^
(If I do... It's ILYSB by LANY)
Go follow my playlist on spotify: eh wattpad tronnor- ioniav

(A/N plot so you don't get confused: Connor is new in Perth and is going to a new school and he met Troye so Troye asked Connor to study with him... Blah blah blah you get it ;)...)

"I kinda have to go Connor but you should come around so we can work in the project"
"Uh yeah ok"
"Cool here is my number text me later"
In America boys didn't just invite other boys over to study.
Well they did. But we didn't actually study.
I should text him.
I search up his name in my contacts.
He put him self in as TroyE 😊 ?
Just because I spelt it wrong this morning
Good one Connor.

To TroyE 😊:
Hey! It's Connor, can I come round later to study?
Two seconds later he replied. Goals.
From TroyE😊:
Yea sure. I was just studying anyways ;)
To TroyE😊:
Ok txt me ur adress and I'll be there!
From TroyE😊:
It's xxxx xxxxx street
To TroyE😊:
K. I'll be there in five :) ttys

I run to the door with my school bag on my back and my phone in my hand."Connor where are you going?" My sister Nicola asks. "We only just got here last week, don't tell me the most antisocial boy I know has a friend?" She says laughing to herself. I roll my eyes "Something like that," I say running out the door "Bye love you," I say slamming the door behind me.

I run out the door and start walking down the street. I pull out my earplugs and let my music take me to my process world. Oh my heart hurts so good, I love you babe so bad, so bad. I hum the tune all the way down the street until I look up to see Troye's house. I run my hands through my quiff quickly and knock on his door.

"Hey Tro..." I start but I am cut off by to arms wrapping around me
"CONNAH! Hey wats up?" He holds up a piece of nutella toast "Toast?" He offers. I nod unable to process words. The boy hugged me and gave me nutella what else is there to explain?

"My family's gone shopping but we can just study in my room if you like?" He says, his thick Australian accent drowning my thoughts. "Y..yeah," I stutter. He giggles and pulls me down the hall into his room which was... Woah.

Fairy lights hung above his bed and a light up T light sat in the corner of his room. I also noticed a microphone and a piano. Does Troye sing?

I am snapped back into reality when I hear Troye jump on his bed and call "Connor come sit,". "Let's play 20 questions," He says. "I thought we were studying?" I ask pretending to look disappointed. "Ok first question would you rather play 20 questions with me or figure out the equivalent fractions in this long multiplication?" He says. I laugh. "Play with you and restart," I say. "Ok you go first," He says. "Ok," I mumble.

"Question uno for you, what's your favourite hobby?" I ask in a terrible fake italian accent. He laughs. "Singing, as you could've already guessed," He says pointing to the set up I saw earlier. "My go Con," He says. I look at him with amusement as his face turns a bright shade of pink. Con? I like it. "I..I'm sorry..It just slipped out," He stutters. "Don't worry about it. It's cute," I say.

The game went on with pretty casual questions like favourite colour, favourite song, best friend?, favourite food? And stuff like that until this happened.

"Ok my go," Troye says quietly. "Are you gay Connor?"
Oh god. I feel my face turn red. Am I that obvious? I mean he could've just been wondering but does anyone really? It's not like I'm ashamed of it anymore I'm just getting used to telling people.

"Uh..yeh..I like boys," I say resisting the urge to face palm myself. He giggles. "Good for you con, you're go again," He says. "Will since you asked me... Are you gay Troye?" I ask. "Yeh... I like boys," He says imitating my accent. "Oi I asked for you to answer the question not tease me," I say fake grumbling. He wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear,"I can't help it con I am a tease," He says brushing his lips against my ear. "Last go, Connor can I kiss you?" He asks. Once again lost for words I just smile and nod.

Without hesitation Troye's lips smash onto mine making me fall back onto his bed. I kiss back and soon we're moving in sync and the kiss is getting deeper. Troye runs his hands through my hair wrecking my quiff as I pull him closer to me. The kiss was perfect but was too quickly interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

I push Troye off me and sit up on the bed next to him. I look up to see a lady with a short black bob of hair. She smiles at me and smirks at Troye. "I thought you invited this boy over to study?" She said walking out. "Remember to use protection," She calls out making my face go to the colour of a tomato.

Troye laughs and leans his head on my shoulder. "You're good at that Connah," He says his eyes slowly closing.

Heyloooooo guys!
945 words. Two updates in one day. I feel pretty proud. *clapping from invisible audience*

Its 2:00am here but it's also school holidays so I got to make the most of late nights and long sleep ins while I can ;)

Comment where you guys are frm and when you have holiday brk.
Not going to be stuffed editing but go ahed and be my grammar police and tell meh.

Remember to leave me some love in the comments and vote if you liked it
Thats all for now my sweets- oni xxxxx

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