girls do funny things when they're drunk

169 12 4

I shuffle into the class quietly and prop myself onto the last stool available. It takes me a second to realise we're assigning partners and another five to realise who I'm assigned with.


Of Course Mr. Howell thinks it's a fantastic idea to partner the struggling student with the drifter, who never pays attention to anything except for his hair and who's on his lap.

"Hey Mellet," I say avoiding his glance.

I can feel his stare burning into my skull and I notice him stutter a little, "F..Franta,".

Does he seem nervous

More likely he just forgot your name

As the bell soon rings I realise I have to actually make an effort on this project so I grab Troye's shoulder as we're walking out.

"Listen, Mellet, Just a heads up but I'm useless at S..." I start but he interrupts me.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing, I c..can help you if you like," He says, his eyes fixated on the floor.

He's stuttering Connor

He's probably embarrassed to be seen with you

I smile at him, or more so, his forehead and walk to my locker.

Fuck my life.

--/random napstablook time skip/----

It can't be a coincidence that the most popular boy in school lives right next door to the least popular.

That's not normal.

It's also not normal that the very boy has parties every week. Drunk, loud and endless but  interesting parties none the less.

Though I've never been to one.

I haven't even spoken to Troye before today.

And going over to his house seems as if I'm breaking some sort of unspoken agreement we had.

'Don't speak to the weak gay kid and he won't speak to you'

As I knock on his door a wonder if I should've brought anything.

Food, water, pepper spray?

I decide it's way too late to jump over the fence and into my room and grab all three of those things and so I wait.

And soon someone answers the door.

It's not Troye though.

"Hi there, I'm Sage, are you here to see Troye?" She asks smiling a pretty smile

"Um yeah I am," I say smiling back at her. It's kind of contagious but not like Troye's.

"He's in his room I'll get him," She says skipping down the hall and shouting out something that sounded a little bit like Tok but I couldn't be quite sure.

He looks surprised to see me but soon his face shows no expression.

"F..Franta hey um you didn't call," He says quietly as if there are 100 people who could hear our conversation.

"I don't have your number and we live right next door to each other," I say smiling.

"Oh ha yeah I should've realised," He says, his cheeks going slightly red.

I laugh quietly and he blushes deeper.

Oh ok.

"My room's just down here, sorry bout' Sagey she likes to cause trouble." He mutters as I walk into his room.

"No it's fine...Tok," I say carefully but still smirking.

He turns around sharply and glares at me for half a second but laughs it off and sits on his bed signalling for me to sit next to him.

I'm regretting not bringing anything, especially my camera, he looks really beautiful in the dim lighting.

"Don't you have something better to do then hang out with me?" I say quietly as I sit down.

"I'd rather be here," He says and now it's my turn to blush.

"Why don't you ever come to my parties, Franta?" He says as if asking questions is a crime.

"The quiet doesn't hurt," I say and continue the crime.

"Why'd you stutter when I spoke to you this morning," I say breaking every unspoken law.

"I like you," He says as softly as he can, his voice hoarse.

I swear my mouth falls open as he giggles the cutest of giggles.

"But you're straight." I start to say before he leans over and presses his lips to mine.

He kisses me softly like I'm the most precious thing he owns. His kisses taste like strawberry suckers. I've never felt anything more amazing.

after an eternity he pulls away.

"Said who?" He says giggling again.

"I never said I didn't watch your parties," I say and he blushes.

"Girls do funny things when they're drunk," He says.

"I hope you weren't just drinking," I say smiling.


mmmm yeah alright

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