Coming out

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Song: Heartburn - WafiaI swear I've used this song before Ahwell sucks for u ----------------------------------------------

"Emma,," He started.

"Breathe Connor." I say.

" She dumped me because of you. She says Im a gay faggot and she doesn't like gay faggots and she kept teasing me about you because I hang out with you instead of her, she says you are too gay for her liking and I'm too gay and I won't be allowed to hang out with my friends if I'm gay....," He says but he collapses in stutters and tears.

"Connor, are you gay? " I say.

His eyes shoot up. "I'm not sure," He says."She's giving me time too decide if I'm over this gay thing and I want to go back to being with the straight people. With her,".

"Connor, are you gay? I repeat, sounding more stern then I intended.

There's a silence in the room for a while

"How did you know you were gay?" He whispers into the quiet.

I do this awkward smile thing because the real answer was when I met him but I can't say that, Can I? No.

" I liked boys con," I say, still smiling awkwardly.

"No shit Troye." He says, giving me an evil glare as if to say continue.

"I liked boys instead of girls. In 6th grade boys would talk about girls the way I thought about boys. Boys stared at girls the way I stared at boys. I knew I was different. Thats when I realised I was gay. Thats when I knew," I say feeling pretty proud of myself for someone who just told the best friend when they realised they were gay.

"Then I guess, I know, I am gay. I'm gay Troye," He said.

He didn't say anything else.
He just sat there.
I mean I wasn't expecting him to, you know, announce his true love for me.
But it would of been nice I guess.

I hug him and he hugs me. "Im so proud of you Connor, so so proud," I say. "Are you going to tell Emma ?" I say. He looks at me. "Do you think I should tell her now?" He says.

I look at him up and down. Messed up quiff. Bloodshot eyes. Tear stained shirt. Bitten, red lips. Yet he still looks amazingly hot. How the hell does he do that?

"Maybe you'll be more strong and less likely to burst into tears tomorrow, ok?" I say softly.

"Ok," He says.

"We gonna go back ?" I say not knowing which way he'll take that comment.

"Nah," He says smirking. "We have more important plans," He says.

We run out of the bathroom and the school and into Connor's mini (which, by the way, I'm in love with)

"Can we go shopping?" Connor asks.

"Yeah but why? I love your style," I say shocked.

"Because I want to try something new," he says driving over the limit.

I question this for a second.

" Connor just because you're gay doesn't mean have to buy stereotypical clothes," I say.

"Then let's not buy stereotypical clothes let's just buy what we like," Connor says with a smirk on his face.

"You're gonna buy stereotypical gay clothes, aren't you?" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Yes sir, Indeed I am," He says turning the corner and parking at the shopping centre bays down the road.


People who have read my early work on another book tht I've deleted and are still here know I've cheated.

I hope that's none of you.

But I did change it a little so ha.

Don't pick on me I'm tired, worried for my baby, and needing better wifi

Love u guys

Oni xxx

(Btw I start school in a few days ew)

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